Friday, February 29, 2008

Almost there!

We're officially more than halfway through Lent! Mmmmmm, sweets here I come...maybe the fact that I'm so focused on when I can eat sweets is a sign that I have not made a prayerful enough Lent??? There's always room for improvement!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Double Birthday!

Five years ago on February 25th, my firstborn son, John-Paul was born on my 24th we just turned 5 and 29 a few days ago! We had a lovely dinner with Brian, Angela, Brogan, Maura, Will, Lilly, and our family. Brian and Maura are J-P's godparents, so it was nice of them to celebrate with us and give him presents. Wow, I can't believe I have a 5 year old already...he looks so big!! Phil got me a violin (on lease) so that I can start playing again, it was a great suprise! Happy Birthday to us!

The future Mr. & Mrs.???

The Bratton family came over during Feb. vacation for dinner. Here's a picture of Phil holding Maggie and John holding Jesse. Could this be the beginning of a beautiful relationship??? Between the babies that is...

How it all began...

Since Phil and I were married nearly 6 years ago, we have moved about 10 times. In all these moves, we somehow misplaced our beautiful wedding album, which is very upsetting to me. For Valentine's Day, Phil contacted our wedding photographer to get this picture and then sent it to some website where they put hundreds of tiny pictures in the background from the pics of our family he sent in. You know how you see those paintings that look like something from far away, but then when you get close, you see it's a million little square pictures that make up the larger image? It's like that. So thoughtful of Phil, and romantic! Anyway, I just wanted to post this picture to remind me of one of the best days of my life!!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Prayers Needed...

As I type this, Phil's grandmother is in the hospital. Sadly, she seems to be very close to death, but happily she seems to be very close to eternal life. Phil has very fond memories of Nanny cooking Italian meals in the kitchen, and giving him chocolate milk and cookies as a child. The marriage between Nanny and Papa is certainly one to be envied, there is an amazing love there, and so we must keep Nanny, but especially Papa in our prayers as this will be hardest on him.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Maggie Rose celebrates her first Valentine's Day today!! Yesterday we made valentines with the kids, and today we exchanged cards and kisses. Right now, homemade bread is baking and I am preparing a wonderful dinner of orange chicken, brown rice, and sugar snap peas.
Oh how I love love!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Prayer Requests

Every night after we say our family rosary, we all get to make a prayer intention for the day. Last night, three-year-old Andrew decided to pray for "all the babies in their mommy's bellies and for all the horses in the daddy's bellies". Guess someone has been learning about seahorses in school!!!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

One Day...

One day, I will be able to go to bed at night and wake up feeling refreshed from an uninterrupted night of sleep...

One day, I will be able to take a shower in the morning without little boys coming in to use the toilet or ask me a question...

One day, I will be able to get myself dressed and ready-to-go without worrying about what everyone else in the house needs to wear and helping them get it on...

One day, I will be able to go to Mass and actually listen to all of the readings and the homily with undivided attention...

One day, I can spend the weekend relaxing, shopping, eating out, going to the movies, etc. without having to worry about a babysitter or an extremely tight budget...

And finally, I know that one day, I will look back upon this time of my motherhood, and wish with all my might to get it back.