Monday, September 17, 2018

The Week of Too Much Medical Stuff

I have been dreading this week, and yet, here we are!  

Time slows down for no mom.

I should make that into a sign.

On Wednesday, I will have my yearly physical, and even though I love my doctor and would love any chance to chat with him, nobody likes a physical, right?  I told myself back in August that I would start eating really clean in order to bring the numbers on the scale and on my lipid screen down, but alas, I am still eating ice cream and pizza as of yesterday.   What can I do in the next two days to undo what I’ve done for the last 363?  Lots of water, protein, fruits and veggies and nothing else.  I’m hoping that will somehow make a difference, but I know it doesn’t work like that!

On Thursday, Maggie has her surgery.  Poor girl.  She is getting her auricular pit removed and closed up, and also her tonsils removed and possibly adenoids too.  We are going to Boston Children’s Hospital so she is in grrrreat hands, but surgery is surgery and it’s a 2 hour one with a 2 week recovery.  Maggie is sad to be missing school for two weeks, but we are very hopeful that these surgeries will mean an end to the antibiotic train she has been riding for the past few years with recurring strep and an infection in her “ear hole”.  She mentioned recently that she is going to ask for a new robe for her 11th birthday in December, so I got her a new one now so that she can have as comfy a recovery as possible.  I'm sure her Dad will be getting her some flowers, since flowers make everything better :)

We are grateful that this is an in/out same day surgery and that my parents live downstairs and will be taking over her care starting at Day 5.  Her school will send homework via her brothers, and she will be able to stay up to date that way. We are heading to Confession tonight, Adoration tomorrow night, and therefore I think we have all the spiritual bases covered.  If you could spare a prayer for my Maggie in the Middle, it would be much appreciated.  Kelly’s son, Fulton, could also use some recovery prayers.  Thank you! 


  1. Definitely will be praying for you and your girl!! Hope your physical goes well too!

  2. Hugs and prayers to you all.
    Everyone's recovery is different but feel free to email me any questions ~ am happy to share any tips from Caitlin's recovery.

  3. Miss Maggie, poor girl. I'll be praying and sending lots of love her (and your) way on Thursday. You'll be spiritually ready for sure and I'm sure her care is in wonderful hands. Good luck with your physical too, Colleen! I've never really had one and the last one even close was probably when I had Benny or maybe postpartum. I suppose with a BIG bday coming up next month I should think about that and some other non-fun womanly stuff. Sigh.

    Hugs, dear friend! xo

    1. I'm always so surprised when adults don't have a yearly checkup! It's free with our health insurance, and they just schedule me in year after year, so I didn't think it was a real option not to go. I hate going, but I do love having my bloodwork done every year to stay on top of things. My doctor doesn't do any gyn stuff, so I need to make a separate appt for that - and that one definitely gets put last on my to-do list :) I figure with all the babies, I go often enough!

  4. Oh goodness! That's tomorrow. Prayers for Maggie.


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