Friday, June 7, 2024

Week in Review: Pushing His Button, Heated Elections and Keeping Husbands Alive

This week was the 2nd Grade Wax Museum.

The kids dress up as someone famous, make a poster board (at school, God bless that teacher) and write and memorize a speech about their lives.  Brendan chose Buzz Aldrin because this ain't our first rodeo and we told him to pick a famous person who could wear a costume we already had.  Declan was Neil Armstrong two years ago, so Brendan said he would be an astronaut. Declan demanded that Brendan pick a different astronaut so that he wouldn't copy him and ruin his life, and hence our little Buzz Aldrin was born.

 At school when they have their Wax Museum, students and parents come and press a fake button and the wax museum figures have to recite their speech.  Brendan Buzz Martin's speech was verrrrrry long and so I overheard him telling Declan and Xander that morning:

"When you come to my button, just keep pushing it so I have to keep starting over and I don't have to say my whole entire speech."

That Buzz is a smart cookie!  I did manage to record him practicing his speech the night before:


My phone made this, so cool!

Alexander is running for Student Council Vice President for next year, and he made these signs to hang up all over the school:

He has his speech ready for Monday and we keep telling him to keep his hopes high but his expectations low because he is running against one girl and one other boy which means the girls will probably vote for the girl and then the boys vote will be split.  He really wants to win because all of his older siblings all held positions either on Student Council or the National Junior Honor Society when they were in 8th Grade.  Poor Xander has big shoes to fill and as a 5th child myself, I empathize for him so!

Phil sent me this funny-because-it's-true-meme:


Other than that, lots of end of school year things going on, lots of ice cream scooping and pickleball playing - my big kids are obsessed, and of course cheering for the Celtics...let's goooo!

Have a great weekend everybody!


  1. So ingenious to reuse a costume already purchased!! I feel this way about Halloween costumes too. I also love the brotherly declaration that he couldn't be the *same* astronaut. Fortunately there's a few famous ones to choose from ;)

    That meme is hilarious. our running joke is that I will yell "KYLLLEEEEEEE" at Nick when the situation calls for it -- that's my dad's name, so it's what I grew up hearing my mom yell ;) My mom had a particularly bad habit though of drifting off to sleep, then opening her eyes and not accurately processing what was happening so she would do it for absolutely no reason and cause more of a chance of an accident. Ah, family memories...

    Xander's got some good marketing instincts!! He would have my vote for sure!

    1. That's hysterical that you yell out your dad's name. Oh yeah every history fair or wax museum we start with looking in the costume closet. Poor youngest siblings!

  2. This whole post cracked me up. I love this so much: "this ain't our first rodeo and we told him to pick a famous person who could wear a costume we already had. " And the part about Brendan needing to choose a different astronaut so he wouldn't ruin Declan's life made me cackle. Siblings are hilarious. All of Xander's signs are amazing! I especially love the ice cream one and the google one. So creative! Good luck to him!

    My husband is lucky in exactly the same way. LOL.

  3. Heck, with ads like that, I'd vote for Xander! I hope he wins.
    I'm so happy that Brendan didn't ruin his brother's life. KIDS!
    My husband always says he doesn't know how he'd get along without me telling him how to drive; I'm his little helper. ;)

    1. He did not win but he may have a future in marketing :)


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