Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Happy Birthday Grandpa and America!

July has been a whirlwind of activities and weird weather.  We've had so many hot and humid days with not a lot of sunshine and I miss June already.    But first, today is my Dad's 84th birthday so a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the greatest Dad/Grandpa/Downstairs Neighbor we could have :)

Let's see what else has been going on since last we met?  

My boss let us out early on the day before the 4th (also known as the 3rd) so I was able to bring lunch to John-Paul and his boss (who is retiring this month) which was a nice treat.  JP thinks he will be working for a urologist next, and those stories should be...interesting.  As my brother-in-law doctor said "He's going to see a whole lot of front ends."

On Independence Day, we dressed up in Red, White and Blue and headed over to my sister's house for a family cookout.  Even Lucy Doodle got in on the festivity:

JP's girlfriend, Grace flew up from Maryland to spend a long weekend with us, and they went to the fireworks in our town that evening:

Of course, they had to stop by The Cottage for a treat and since we are so close to the water where the fireworks are, it was a very busy night.  Busiest yet actually!

They took my minions to see the new Minion movie:

And spent a day on Block Island:

Phil took the kids to an outdoor pool in a different town, and Brendan was waiting (confidently, bordering on sassily) for his swim test:

Don't they know I'm on the swim team?

We were supposed to go see the fireworks with friends in a nearby town on Saturday night, but due to the weather, they were moved to Sunday night.  This caused problems as some of our workers who had asked for Saturday night off to see the fireworks now were scheduled to work on Sunday night.  I was very proud to see which workers sucked it up buttercup and missed the fireworks and came to work as scheduled, acting like the responsible employees and future adults they will be.  Others, not so much.  

And then for all that fussing, the fireworks turned out to be totally lame!  The town started them an hour early (presumably hoping the weather would be better?) and it was so light out and foggy that we couldn't see a thing, only heard them:

During the "show"

As Xander said, walking back to our friend's house after the fireworks:

"Even though that was free, I still feel like we overpaid."

Ah well, it's one for the memories!


  1. Aww. Love all of this...except the subpar fireworks. I'll admit from the pictures they do look quite "lame."

    And Xander was right on the money: ""Even though that was free, I still feel like we overpaid."" That's hilarious!!!

  2. Xander is hilarious. Happy birthday to your dad! Glad you had some employees who showed some grit and dealt with the hand.

    1. Employing teens can be so fun and so frustrating! Life lessons for them, for sure.

  3. Awww happy birthday to your dad! Despite the crummy fireworks, it sounds like a pretty awesome weekend. And look at that crowd at The Cottage! Way to go!

    1. The fireworks "show" was so crazy that it was fun! My dad had a nice birthday dinner with my mom using the gift card we gave him :)

  4. Happy belated birthday to your sweet Father.
    Working for a urologist will be um, interesting to say the least.
    Yay for a busy Ice Cream shoppe. And boo for kids who don't realize that work commitments are actual commitments.

    1. Gosh, my doctor siblings have some very weird stories from their urology residencies! People be freaks!

  5. I am dying at Xander's overpaid comment. So funny. Hooray for the Ice Cream Cottage being super busy. Happy bday to your dad. My dad turned 84 in May.

    1. Our dads are twinning. Xander certainly keeps us laughing!


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