Monday, July 15, 2024

Summer Bucket List - Check!!

My littles decided they had one Summer Bucket List Item this summer, and it was to visit South Shore Beach in Little Compton, RI.  We call this beach the "Big Wave Beach" because compared to the beaches near our house, it does indeed have big waves.  

It's about a 40 minute drive and you have to get there really early to park.  We left at 8 am and the parking lot was over halfway filled at 8:45.  Crazy!  Of course, when you are going to be out for a few hours with my crew, you need to pack lots of food and drinks or they will riot.  I set up a make-your-own-sub bar and everybody did just that!

We were able to take all of the kids (except JP who had to hold down The Cottage for us, but who is also going to Hawaii this month so we didn't feel tooooo badly) plus Andrew's girlfriend, Darian, and Eamon's girlfriend, Ellie.

A + D

E + E

The thing with beaches (around here anyway) is that you never know what you are going to get.  Sometimes it's rocky, sometimes it seaweedy and sometimes there's... no beach.  Well, I suppose if we had focused on the tide schedule instead of the wave schedule we may have known that it was high tide and the "beach" would be under water while we were there.  It was a lot of walking across rocks to get to the water, but then the sand was so smooth.

Summer Martins, Summer Not

I sunscreened, put on a cover-up and floppy hat, and sat under a shaded case my dermatologist sister is reading this :)

Everybody was in the ocean from 9am -1pm with the few exceptions of coming out to eat something and rest.  It was practically perfect!

Vitamin D and Vitamin Sea.

Always lifeguarding.

Declan said catching a wave was "THE BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD!"

I say practically perfect because two naughty things happened on our summer bucket list day.

First of all, a seagull literally swooped in from behind Darian's head and pulled the top layer of bread off her sub!  I watched it happen as I was sitting behind her and I just could not believe that seagull's nerve!  Look at these guys just snooping around:

Later on, a seagull flew dangerously close to Eamon and Ellie's food as they were holding it in their hands and I screamed again.  Their food was safe but they ate the rest under a towel for protection:

The second bad thing was that when I went in the waves for about ten minutes mostly to please the kids and say I did it, I emerged without my Apple watch :(  I guess the waves knocked it off my wrist and I've felt so naked since.  And this is why mama doesn't go in the ocean.  Well that, plus sharks.  And jellyfish.  

The kids are already asking when we can go back and I don't blame them, it was a lot of fun on a beautiful day with a great crew.  This morning, Brendan took out the marker to check off our goal:

I hope your goals are just as easy to check off :)


  1. Oh no! Your Apple Watch!!! As far as sacrifices to the ocean it's better than a Jaws situation but gosh, what an expensive pain in the rear!

    Looks like a super fun time was had by you all. How nice to check it off the list.

    1. Much better than another sacrifice to the ocean - haha that made me laugh!

  2. Big wave beach sounds like so much fun and it looks like you were the only ones there, so I'm guessing room to spread out. My kids love the waves. Was that Brendan that went so far on a wave? Such a bummer about the Apple watch. My kids always bug me to get in the water too. I like to watch from my towel, unless I get really hot. Love the sub station. Great idea. I think Great America is on our bucket list, but in the current climate of frustration and lack of trust . . . I'm making no promises. We head to SC Wednesday for more basketball and to see Coach's brother's family with 9 kids. Curly the two girls and Coach and I. I'm underwhelmed by the long drive.

    1. There were lots of people there, but everyone had to set up their chairs on the edge of the parking lot bc of the high tide, so the beach looked empty. Xander was in the video catching the wav. Have fun in your travels and seeing family! 9 kids - that's even crazier than we are and I love it!

  3. Oh no!!! What a horrible footnote to the day. Argh. I hate when things like that happen. I always take my rings off when I swim because I'm terrified of losing them. A close friend had the clasp on her engagement ring open while she was swimming and the diamond fell out into the public pool. They never found it. Eeks...:(

    The sub station is brilliant. We do that sometimes with wraps/sandwiches when we have a big group and it works so well!

    1. You are smart to take off your jewelry, it honestly never crossed my mind! Subs are pretty much never eaten in our house, so it felt very indulgent indeed :)

  4. Oh nooooo! Your watch! That stinks so much.

    As far as the rest of the beach day goes, it sounds pretty amazing. And the make-your-own-sub bar is GENIUS.

    I love that your family had this summer bucket list item, AND that you got to check it off. What a fun goal!

  5. It's sounds like a fun idea for summer! I love that you include your kids' girlfriends. It's so sweet and a nice insight into what the future might look like!

  6. What a fun day but booooo on losing your Apple Watch!! And I love the build your own sub station. What a great idea!


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