Friday, September 20, 2024

Week in Review: Normal Weeks, the MCAT is over and Pierogies in Poland

Somehow this was a long week yet I can't believe it's Friday already.  I just looked through my phone to jog my memory about what we did this week, and it looks like just a lot of normal school/work/sports.  

Maggie had two home volleyball games this week (lost the first and the second is tonight) and Eamon had two home soccer games this week (won both).  Xander and Brendan had another full week of swim team and Declan had his first soccer game of the season (a loss and he was very disappointed to be put in defense) but his league does have a very cool sponsor:

Declan and Brendan love to watch Wheel of Fortune at night and their excitement for the contestants wins is really fun to see, and as a bonus their guesses are hilarious.  The other night I asked what the last puzzle was and Declan told me "Pouches Salmon".  It was Poached Salmon.  Good thing he's cute!

JP's MCAT went pretty well he thinks.  The first section was Organic Chem and after talking to other test takers who had already taken the MCats, they said it was the hardest set of questions they've seen yet.  But he thinks he did fairly well on all of the other sections.  Scores come out in about a month and thank you for the prayers, he said he felt them :)  He is now off visiting his girlfriend and other friends in Ohio, then his plan is to get recertified as an EMT and get a job and a car, which will thrill Maggie and Eamon who've been sharing.

 Andrew is for shizzo the most exciting Martin right now, playing intramural volleyball in Austria and he travelled to Poland last weekend:

When in Poland

JP2 we love you


Just a mom constantly checking on his whereabouts

The most fitting weather for this emotional visit

Andrew said the unveiling of Our Lady of Czestochowa was absolutely beautiful

Whenever I come into unexpected money, like this week when I got an insurance rebate and sold two textbooks online, I immediately think "What expense is about to pop up?" and yesiree sir the minivan needed brakes and struts.  Money in, money out.  Always.  Better than money out without the income though!

I'm off to sign up Declan for basketball because you always have to be thinking of the next season signups when you're in a sports season.  #tellmeyoureaboymom  It's never-ending until I suppose one day it is, and then we will look back fondly on these chaotic days.  Right?  Right?  I'm praying his soccer practice gets cancelled tonight (due to rain) because I'm not sure how else we're going to get the swimmers where they need to be plus watch Maggie's home game if soccer is still on the agenda.  St. Whomever is in Charge of Cancelling Sports, Pray for Us!

Have a great weekend everyone!  I hope just the right amount of events get cancelled for you too ;)


  1. I laughed out loud at St. Whomever is in Charge of Cancelling Sports. That would be my patronage for sure. If you figure out who that is, they're my new favorite!

    1. Oooh that could be what you're the patron saint of when you get to heaven!!

  2. A cancelled game is the best game! I'm a very bad sports mom. :)
    And thanks for letting us know about JP. Regardless of the outcome, he should be proud of himself - working hard on his own to study for that beast of a test! I hope his hard work pays off.

    1. Especially on a Friday night! Not a bad sports mom, a great real one!

  3. I agree. I feel such a relief when extracurriculars are cancelled! Even if my kids love them, there is always a sigh of joy (internally) at least from me. Fewer logistics!

    It must feel AMAZING to have the MCATs behind him. What a stressful test (and stressful wait). Glad he has fun plans to recuperate from all that hard work studying.

    1. He had that trip booked for awhile as his reward! I think I should reward myself soon :)


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