Monday, May 13, 2024

Mother's Day Just Keeps Getting Better and Better

 Ahhhh Mother's Day.  It was wonderful.  I realize that I am in a very perfect stage of motherhood right now.  Not only do I still get to celebrate my own wonderful mother, but I have seven pretty independent children with unique personalities who all love to call me Mom.  Doubly blessed.

We went out to breakfast on Saturday morning all together, knowing we couldn't all go on Sunday morning due to Mass times and DRE duties.  We went to a restaurant I have always wanted to go to, and it was delicious.  I had the pesto omelette with tomatoes and mozzarella, so good.  At one point while we were eating, I looked over and Declan (age 10) and Brendan (age 7) were cutting up their own french toast and everyone was behaving like little angels and I just thought "we made it!"  Don't get me wrong, toddlers are my favorite and a cute baby will make my ovaries ache, but honestly, school age through young adult aged kids are really awesome.  Don't let anyone tell you to worry about the teenage years, from my experience, they have been more fun than anything else.

Then we had our annual family photo in front of The Ice Cream Cottage:

Friday, May 10, 2024

Week in Review: Opening Day of Season Two and A New Job

Anyone else feel like there head is in a constant state of spin?  Somehow we made it to Friday!  With a First Communion last Sunday and the boys returning from college on Wednesday, and the Ice Cream Cottage opening's been a whirlwind. 

The night before opening day, I sat with Phil and pretended to order things off the menu to make sure he felt prepared no matter what anybody ordered.  Let's just say we almost forgot to buy bananas for the banana splits and shortcakes for the strawberry shortcake sundaes, so that was a good lesson.  

We moved some things around inside the shop this year, as last year we opened in such a hurry and just kind of made do with the layout.  The soft serve machine is now moved away from the takeout windows because it was loud and made it hard to hear the orders.  We now offer chocolate dipped waffle cones (that live in the new cone cottage) and we got rid of the chowder and quahogs because the restaurants on either side of us are now open and serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  We created a new frappe station with a bigger fridge underneath and added blenders to make more frappes quickly.  We got a new toppings fridge which looks so much better.  Here's a little tour:

Leading up to opening day, the weather showed rain through the weekend, but then on the morning of - sunshine!  It looks like a dry (slightly cool and cloudy) weekend which we will take.  We can't control the weather but it does affect our takeout business for sure.  We had to take the littles to get a treat on opening day (and Ascension Thursday!) after swim practice:

We had a great first day, so many loyal customers came back.  We are very blessed to be in this supportive town.  

Other than getting the shop open, JP had an interview on his first day back from college, and he got the job!  He will be working for an elderly doctor who needs his help as a medical scribe/assistant.  JP said this doctor (a general practitioner and a DO) was sooooo nice and when he talked to his former scribe and an office worker, they said he is awesome to work for and that JP will learn so much.  So we are all very happy for him!  And the office is only about 12 minutes from home, even better.  It's actually at the medical group that gave him a scholarship for college when he was a high school senior.  Full circle!

He wore a suit to the interview, and when he was leaving, the doc said "You clean up nice but I never want to see you looking that formal again!" haha, sounds like the perfect job for JP :)

Have a wonderful Mother's Day weekend everyone!  I hope you get exactly what you want!!

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

JP and His BS - Bachelor of Science, That Is

When they tell you that the days are long but the years are short, they aren't kidding...

JP is currently driving home from college as I type, and I have all the feels.  He is not walking in graduation (which was his choice) mostly because his friends are all graduating next year, but also because The Ice Cream Cottage opens tomorrow, and we need Andrew and him to start working.  My motherly guilt is strong and I don't want JP to go unrecognized for this incredible accomplishment, so I'm gonna brag a little here.

 We are so, so, so proud of him and all of his hard work.  He was able to graduate in three years by taking lots of classes each semester, a couple summer classes and having transfer credits from AP exams and some college classes earned while he was in high school.  He always knew he wanted to pursue the medical field, and took steps toward that dream by becoming an EMT and shadowing at a doctor's office.  He will now be looking for a job getting patient care hours so that he can apply to Physician Assistant programs sometime in the next year.  Those seats are notoriously hard to get, so it might take a few years.

JP had a wonderful college experience at Franciscan. He made such great friends, met his wonderful girlfriend, studied abroad and travelled all over Europe, grew in his faith, gained incredible scientific knowledge (organic chem y'all!) and matured into a young man that we like to be around!  Isn't that the goal of parenting, to raise children that become adults you like?  JP has always been such an easy kid and I'm happy to say that nothing has changed, we never had any hard times with our first born which is probably the reason we have such a big family :)  

We love you so much John-Paul and we thank God for the gift of you every day.  

Monday, May 6, 2024

The Last First Communion of the Martin Family

Our last Martin family First Communion took place yesterday, and it was beautiful.  Brendan Joseph, at the wee age of seven and a bit on the smaller side, borrowed a suit from one of Declan's friends that he had worn to his First Communion.  He looked very sharp and was so excited to receive Jesus!!

Phil is the Director of Religious Ed at our parish, and had one of the parents take these professional photos, which was such a great addition.

Brendan did the second reading and Eamon was serving the Mass (along with Xander and Declan) and making sure the readers got up on the step and close to the microphone.

At the end of the Mass, each child received the Brown Scapular and then sang Ave Maria as a group, which was as adorable and emotional as you might imagine.

Now for all of the lesser quality phone pics!  

Friday, May 3, 2024

Week in Review: A School Gala, A Graduation Scare and A New Restaurant

Happy 1st Friday in May!  This month is always a rollercoaster filled with social events, graduations, sacraments, anniversaries, the return of the college students and the opening of The Ice Cream Cottage.  It's all good stuff and I feel so grateful to be included in the celebrations and milestones of my family...but sometimes I deeply empathize with her:


True story, after the very social weekend we had, Phil and I went to a workout class at the gym on Monday night while Brendan had swim team practice.  While in the car en route, I was telling Phil that I was excited to catch up with my friends from the gym whom I hadn't seen in a long time.  

As we entered the class, I stopped and peeked through the glass part of the door to see who was inside.

Phil: What are you doing?

Me: Just trying to see where my friends are so I can avoid them.


On Friday night, Phil and I (and Eamon who was a volunteer) attended our Catholic elementary school's annual gala.  How do you pronounce that word?  I say gala like *gosh what rhymes with the way I say it* "pal uh".  But I've heard people say it like gay-la.

I had bought a cute new dress for the gala, but then ended up wearing this flowy number instead because my cycle just loves to show up at the most inconvenient times.  I was very happy that my black eye turned the corner and was able to be covered with makeup.  Phil is sporting the facial hair because he can't shave near his scar yet.  I like the look of it on him, but how on earth do you ladies kiss a man with facial hair?  Ouch!

My lips WERE harmed for the sake of this photo

On Saturday, we did some yard work and chores and errands and work at the shop and then went to Mass and had friends over for dinner.  We were able to sit on the screened porch with our firepit for the first time this spring, so nice!

Grandpa can always get them to work hard!

Maggie had her last (hallelujah!!) volleyball tournament on Sunday and we didn't get home until almost 7pm.  Her team came in 3rd place and now she just has to finish up her Spring Track season.  Every year at this time we swear we won't do this off season volleyball team next year.  And then every year we do.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Mother's Day Gift Ideas and a Note from a Mom of Many

Amazon Gift Card - always appreciated!

Fresh Flower Bouquet - or plant a bush or tree outside

Laneige Lip Gloss - my daughter and I love this lip gloss

Kate Spade Wristlet - I have this for special events

Owala Water Bottle - all the rage now, Stanley who?

Rosemary Mint Scalp Oil - my hairdresser told me to use 5 drops of this with my shampoo

Travel Jewelry Box - better than the ziploc situation I currently employ

Veggie Chopper - our old one broke and I miss it!

Essential Oil Diffuser - we have this exact one in our bedroom and it lasts all night long

Nail Polish Set - these are my kind of nail colors, pretty and neutral

Summer Pajamas - these are soft and comfy and come in lots of colors

Just some notes from a lucky mom of seven...

Sometimes a perfect Mother's Day includes a planned family day with a nice meal and an activity for everyone to enjoy.

Sometimes a perfect Mother's Day is sending mom off to have lunch and her nails done with her mom/sister/friend while the kids are taken care of by Dad/Uncle/Grandpa.  

Moms go through seasons with the ages and stages of their kids, and the best way to figure out what she wants is to offer both scenarios and see what would actually make her happy.  Is she in a season where she needs a break from the demands of the children?  Or is she in a season where she relishes moments spent together before they are gone?  Either way, she most likely doesn't want to cook or clean or change a diaper that day.

As for you moms - the best way to have a nice Mother's Day is to lower your expectations :)  I mean that in the best way.  Hug your kids and remember when you wished and hoped and prayed for them.  Let the house get a little messy for one day, use paper plates, order takeout or even better, go out for an ice cream cone!

Friday, April 26, 2024

Week in Review: Say my Name, Say my Name

Happy LAST FRIDAY OF APRIL!!  Before we know it,

Let's play the name game, shall we?  Do you know who's who in the Martin Family?

1. Somebody had his college Senior Formal on Friday night...

2. Someone was evaluated and excited to make the spring swim team and get some jammers like his big brother...

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

What's Your Most Popular Post?

 I'm in a bit of a writing funk currently, one could say a funk in general, but that mostly has to do with the black eye I developed after the Mohs Surgery on my face.  I'm praying it heals by Friday night when we have a fancy schmancy school fundraising event to attend.  But that's enough boohooing for me!  OK just one more.



Anyways, I thought it might be fun for you all to check your own blogs and leave the link in the comments below to your most read post of all time (or maybe the one you think is the most popular if you don't know how to check those stats).

Here's mine: If Only

I look forward to reading your most popular posts while this case of writer's block passes :)

I'll post the comments here so the links work easily!

From Elisabeth: 

Well, isn't this funny because your guest post on my blog is my most-read post. My recent name post might be the post that has elicited the most comment action?

From Dixie:

My most popular recent post was about C.S. Lewis and reading for young teens:

From Jennifer:

My most popular post is my big list of free nature lore books. It makes the librarian in me happy to share book lists:

From Busy Bee Suz:

From Life of a Doctor's Wife:

My most visited post is this one:
The post that generated the most comments was this one:

From Laura Pearl:

From Ernie:

I have no idea how to figure out which one has been the most popular. I'm sharing that one, because it had the most comments of recent posts. I'm also gonna share this once, because this is a story that still makes me die laughing.

From Ally Bean:

My most popular post is: Comment Confidential: The Perks And Pitfalls Of Reaching Out To Newfound Bloggers

From Kate:

Here's my most popular post -- it was right after we moved to Rome so lots of extended family and friends were very interested in our escapades!

Friday, April 19, 2024

Week in Review: Bros, Mohs and Woahs

It's Spring Break week in Massachusetts, and all you get is this lousy blog post :)

Eamon (17) and his cousin went out to visit their siblings at Franciscan for a long weekend/college visit.  JP and Andrew fly so frequently back and forth from Providence to Pittsburgh that I didn't even realize until he got home, but Eamon hadn't been on a plane since we went to Florida in 2011:

Take me back

Sending proof-of-life photos to his mom like a good boy.

They stayed in Andrew's dorm room, which already has five people, so it was very tight quarters!  Eamon said he slept on the couch and Andrew gave his bed to his cousin and slept on the floor.  Whatta guy.  Eamon said Andrew's roomies and friends were all so nice, sharing anything they had (including cleats and shoes) and giving them meal punches at the cafe.  They went on a hike to a waterfall one day:

They then took turns swinging from a random vine that looked really scary and I'll spare you the video that made my heart jump into my throat.  BOYS! They also went to cheer on the girls soccer team:

JP sent this video of a rainbow lightning storm, how thrilling!

Friday, April 12, 2024

Week in Review: No Soggy Waffles, No Ugly Shops, and No Wasted Food

Another rainy April day here, but it's FRIDAY!!

My dad, who was a builder and an ice cream shop owner, built us this box to keep our waffle cones in down at The Ice Cream Cottage.  A lightbulb goes inside at the top and keeps them fresh and crisp.  In the humid summer months, the issue with waffle cones is that they get soft and nobody wants a soggy waffle...that's actually how I learned the order of North, East, South, West when I was a kid:

"Never Eat Soggy Waffles" 


We are so lucky to have my parent's expertise and skills.  Isn't she cute?  I think I'm going to get a sign made to put on that will read "The Cone Cottage".

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Wednesday Workout Wrapup: With a Side of What's the Best Time to Workout?

These last two weeks of working out have been a little bit, as the french say, all over the place.  We traveled down to Maryland for Easter and then found out we would need Mohs surgery (and subsequent rest from strenuous exercise) so we are trying to quickly complete our EPIC III program a week earlier than the planned ten weeks.  As of this morning, we only have 4 workouts left!  I'm proud of us for stepping out of our comfort zone, working out with heavy weights at home and early in the morning before work.  We definitely feel stronger but I must admit that I miss getting that afternoon workout feel-good endorphin rush at the end of a work day to put me in a good mood and release the stress in time for being with my family for the evening.  There's something so calming about finishing a workout, showering and putting on pjs.  However, it is nice to wake up, work out, shower and complete that task for the day right away.  Pros and cons of everything I suppose!  What's your preferred time of day to exercise?

 Wednesday, March 27:

5 mile run/walk intervals on treadmill

Thursday, March 28:

EPIC III - Day 34 before work

Packed and cleaned house to leave early the next morning

Friday, March 29:

3.5 mile walk with dog in Maryland after the long car ride

Saturday, March 30:

5 mile run 

Sunday, March 31:


1 mile walk with dog and littles

2.5 mile run (all before Mass)

Monday, April 1:

Drove home from Maryland and did EPIC III - Day 36

4 mile walk with dog

Tuesday, April 2:

Declan's Birthday!!

EPIC III - Day 37 before work

3 mile walk at lunch

Wednesday, April 3:

EPIC III - Day 38 before work

3.5 mile run at lunch

Thursday, April 4:

EPIC III - Day 39 before work

3 mile walk at lunch

1 mile walk with dog in evening

Friday, April 5:

3 mile walk at lunch

4 mile walk after work with dog

Saturday, April 6:

EPIC III - Day 41

2.25 mile run

2 mile walk with dog and kids

Sunday, April 7:

EPIC III - Day 42 with my shadow:

Me: Please take a photo so we have proof that we used to do this program.

2.25 mile run

1.5 mile walk with dog and kids

Monday, April 8:

3 mile walk at lunch

EPIC III - Day 43 in evening (too tired to do it before work)

1 mile walk with dog

Tuesday, April 9:

3 mile walk at lunch

3.5 mile walk with dog after work (it was a gorgeous spring day!)

Monday, April 8, 2024

Weekending Whirlwind: Puzzle Completion, Piano Competition, Plenary Indulgence and Pretend Farmers

On Friday night, I completed a puzzle...finally.  

While Andrew was home for Spring Break, he worked on a puzzle at the kitchen table, and then I didn't want to just pack it away, so I placed it under a clear tablecloth.  Then Phil said these would make cute "placemats" and so I will continue working on more puzzles until I have eight puzzle placemats.  At my current rate, this project will most likely finish next fall ;)

One piece missing and two pieces with the picture scratched off after being vacuumed up

Related: Friday nights have changed sooooo much through the years, but I must say that I really enjoy the whole "put on pajamas, eat pizza or something else easy, watch a movie and stay home".  Now I guess I need to add puzzling to the Friday night roster.  I am adulting so hard.

On Saturday, after taking the little kids on a scooter ride around town, we headed up north of Boston for Alexander's annual piano competition, the New England Music Festival.  

Every year, he gets a little older and better but so does the rest of the competition.  He competed twice, first in a group of 12 kids, then in a group of 10 kids.  

The competition was fierce, and during a break I reminded him that everybody is playing so well, and that "somebody has to come in 8th and 9th and 10th place" so maybe don't expect to win in the top two like usual.  He understood and completely agreed with the talent and song choices he was facing.  As soon as he had finished, he wanted to drive home and not wait for the awards.  His piano teacher was going to be at the awards ceremony and said he would let us know.  

The Student and the Teacher

When his teacher called him, we were unbelievably surprised to find out that he won 1st place in the first group and 2nd place in the second group.  What?!?!?  I wish I had captured Xander's face when he heard the news because it was priceless.  

I had recorded his competition song a week ago because I knew once he had finished the competition, he wouldn't want to keep playing it, so please enjoy "Magic" by the 12 year old Alexander Blaise:


On Sunday, we went to Mass in the morning, and then Phil had to give a talk to the parents of the religious education kids, so I went home and made Divine Mercy pancakes:

I did not plan on making these, but we just happened to have strawberries and whipped cream in the fridge, so liturgical living for the win!  Sacrilicious!

We took the kids to scooter again, this time in the hilly cemetery and they had a blast.  Gosh little kids are so fun!  Later on, Phil and I went out on a lunch date to a mexican restaurant and then came home and I took a nap while he took the kids to the park.  I know I married way up.

Because we all wanted to obtain the Divine Mercy plenary indulgence, we went to Confession at a nearby church in the evening and then out for ice cream after.  Eamon and Maggie went in a separate car to meet up with Andrew's girlfriend so that she wouldn't have to go no photos of those good kiddos.  My college boys also went to Confession and I am so grateful for the gift of our faith and kids who choose to live it.

Confession Confections

Cheers to Clean Souls

JP took a road trip with some friends this weekend out to a friend's farm in Illinois and sent me the photos and videos to prove it.  I am so happy that he has made wonderful friends out at Franciscan and got to celebrate a little with them before they graduate in a month...

We all woke up very tired this morning, so hopefully the week will be calm and relaxing.  Hahahahahahaha, a girl can dream!!