Wednesday, October 14, 2020

If A Clean Floor Thrills You As Much As It Does Me...

 ...then do I have 2 suggestions for you!

I saw that GoCleanCo had recommended this brand, and we have been dragging our feet too long on getting a vacuum that works well, so I took the plunge and added this guy to our family:

Guys, I vacuumed the carpets with our old vacuum that morning and then the new one was delivered, so I wanted to test it out.  Look what it pulled up from three rugs THAT HAD ALREADY BEEN VACUUMED A FEW HOURS EARLIER!!

Mind blown.  

We really needed a new vacuum.

Also, since it's a Prime Day lightning deal right now, and I love this mop with my whole heart (easy to wring out! no bending over! throw the mop head in the washer!) I also strongly recommend this bad guy:

Your floors (and family) will thank you!

1 comment:

  1. I follow their account now because of your rec. I’ve been washing my walls with their water, tide, and bleach recipe. It does wonders!


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