Friday, August 12, 2022

Week in Review: Rhyme Time

 What have we been up to this week?

I'll let you have a rhyming peek!

Summer eating:

Beat the heating:

Feet binding:

Selfie finding:

Zucchini season ending:

Gift card spending:

Bug catching:

Fly catching:

Hair hating:

Wedding dating:

Soccer mothering:

Table recovering:

Work weeking:

Truth speaking:


  1. This was so fun to read! It's only the start of zucchini season here, and I have SEVEN plants, so I will be making zucchini-based recipes for a WHILE.

    1. You know what, it's not truly the end of the season here, but I finished up a big batch we had in the house!

  2. Loving this. I especially like the last idea. Only a half hour until 3:00 pm here & I can feel the nice coming through me as I type. Happy weekend.

  3. You are always so creative when it comes to your poems and rhyming! Have a great weekend!

  4. These are so fun! I loved the Selfie Finding.....she is your Mini-me!!

  5. Huh - I left a comment days ago. Maybe the internet did something interesting with it. I think the table turned out great. We are hard on our tables. I am wondering if that hairdo is someone I am supposed to know? Is it a celeb? I laughed at the napper. Nothing like a good nap.


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