Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Weekend Wrapup: Sporty Kids, Sore Muscles and Sheet Pan Dinners

Maggie had a two day volleyball tournament in Providence, Rhode Island this past weekend.  It required leaving by 6:30 am and getting home around 3 pm on Saturday, then repeat on Sunday, only to watch her lose ALL OF HER GAMES.  Good thing she loves the sport, because boy is her league terrible.

Maggie is a consistently great server, unlike her mother was in high school.

#30 on her shirt but #1 in our hearts

Andrew flew out to Pittsburgh to visit Franciscan University for the long weekend.  He said he played a lot of beach volleyball on the sand courts behind my old dorm, a lot of frisbee games and hung out with JP and his friends.  They had a bonfire one night and ate out another night.  Andrew texted us that he missed our home cooking already, as the cafe food wasn't cutting it.

I asked JP to send me any pictures while Andrew was visiting, and I got this in reply.  A typical teenager in his typical state no  matter what actual state he's in.

Apparently a lot of JP's friends thought Andrew looked like the actor who played Albert Ingalls on Little House on the Prairie:

I can see it.

Andrew sent me a photo from a philosophy class he sat in on.  

The screen says "Does obligation regarding certain types of actions have an intrinsic or an extrinsic source?"  

Andrew said "I was so lost."

He visited the soccer field and met with the coach, who asked him to send him some game film.  

Andrew put together this highlight reel that I wanted to post for memory's sake.  Spoiler alert: Lots of speed and lots of headers (yikes!).

His flight got in late on Monday night and he didn't get home until 12:30 am.  Phil is an absolute hero for doing the early morning (5 am) drive to the airport on Friday and the late night pickup on Monday.  I seriously married wahahahay up.

The Ice Cream Cottage is coming along very nicely - look how cute it is!

Eamon painting and Maggie's cute bike

All of the work that Phil has been doing at the Ice Cream Cottage has made him a sore man each evening.  I found this pain relief cream that he says really helps.  Well I'm sure the massages are equally as helpful :)

We had a friend over for dinner on Sunday night, and I made these delicious and easy Sheet Pan Chicken Fajitas.  I separated the chicken and onions/peppers for the picky eaters but you can put them all on one tray.  

They were a total hit, and the leftovers made great quesadillas for lunch the next day (we like the Mission low carb tortillas).  I brought lunch to my hard-working men down at The Cottage:

And that was another busy weekend in the books.  This week is April break and we are hoping to squeeze in a few fun activities for the kids.  Stay tuned :)


  1. I never make sheet pan meals. Why? Everyone on the internet raves about them and they look so healthy and relatively easy AND less mess. And yet, I never get around to making one.

    Wow - the Little House flashback was awesome; I can 100% hear his voice now, too. I haven't seen an episode of that show in 2 decades? But I remember so many little details!

    1. I don't make them often either, like you I'm not sure why not but I just don't. This one is a winner though, and I have another sausage and veggie one that I make. I had to look up the actor, I couldn't remember him at all but then again I read the books and barely watched the show.

  2. The cottage looks so cute! And those fajitas look so yummy. That's what I want to eat right this second!

    1. Thank you! It's a great recipe, hope you can try it :)

  3. First of all, I'm shocked that any college student would know a character from Little House on the prairie! As a huge fan of Little House on the Prairie from way back in the day, I'm shocked that I never put two and two together. But now I will never be able to unsee it! :)

    1. When I heard the comparison to Little House on the Prairie - I thought, of course Franciscan students would know that! Ha!

  4. Albert! Remember when he was addicted to morphine? And when he was going to marry the girl who got raped and impregnated by the crazy guy in the clown mask, her father basically called her a whore and disowned her, and then she fell off a ladder and DIED? Wow, those were some dark times on Little House. I mean, what was HAPPENING with Michael Landon at that time? Well, I know what was happening, he was a raging alcoholic who just wanted ratings. I guess it worked because of all the episodes, those stick out in my mind. Well, those and the Harvest of Friends. Oh! And the one where all the crops failed and Pa had to get danger pay by dynamiting rocks for the railway. I obviously have a lot of Little House memories. Which, by the way, are nothing even close to the books. Talk about taking artistic license!

    1. I don't remember any of that and it is quite scandalizing!!! You are hilarious!

  5. OMG - I just read Nicole's comment and I'm dying. I watched a lot of Little House. I can't believe that college kids would recognize Albert. How is that possible? I do think there is a resemblance.

    The cottage looks charming. Hooray. I hope to try that recipe. We love our Cuban Sheet Pan Chicken recipe, a LOT. I'm sure this one will be a hit. Sorry Maggie's team isn't more competitive. Great that she is a consistent server.

    1. Franciscan students are a unique breed ;) I'll have to search your blog for that Cuban Chicken recipe, I hope you posted it.

      I searched my own blog and here it is. ;) I know your peeps are huge fans of beans, but those are on the side, add as many as you like.

  6. Awww! The cottage is looking SO great! I'm impressed in all that you've been able to accomplish in a short time.

    I laughed out loud at the consensus about Andrew looking like Albert. My husband used to teach sacred music at Franciscan and that is SUCH a Franny kid reference :D :D :D Also, the photo from the philosophy class made me remember how much I floundered in my basic philosophy class freshman year. I mean, I got a decent grade, but it was such a different way to think about things and I always felt somewhat let down at the end of each class because there was no "right" answer. I'm impressed by Andrew's video editing skills, especially the little circle that appears around him for each clip. Kids these days!

    Good for Maggie sticking it out even when they're not sweeping championships. That does say a lot about her love for the sport!

  7. Yay for Maggie and Andrew. Yes, He had Albert Ingall's Vibes!
    HOW DOES NICOLE remember so much about Little House?
    I love that the Cottage is coming along; sore muscles have been awarded with massages and that's a good thing.


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