Saturday, November 22, 2008

Welcome Baby!

My little sister, "M" and her husband "W" proudly announce the birth of their second daughter, Abigail Grace.
She was born on Friday, Nov. 21 and was 20 inches long and 9 pounds (wow!).
She's beautiful, and her big sister, Lilly adores her :-)
This is the luckiest little girl in the world because she has the best Godmother EVER (me, of course!).
Congratulations little sis, ya done good!


  1. OOoh! Tell "M" congrats, Abigail is just adorable and I LOVE the name!! Congrats to you too, Aunti AND Godmother! Double whammy!! :-)

  2. First of all, I am SOOO jealous that you get to be a godmother to that sweet little girl. And second, those cheeks...I've never seen more kissable, chubby cheeks on a newborn. She is a really, really cute baby! Makes me want another one! You must have baby fever bad now!


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