Friday, June 5, 2009

Hi Lo: June 5th


1) As I posted yesterday, Maggie's surgery went awesome!

2) Robby, my friend Laura's son (and possibly Maggie's future hubby) turned one on Thursday!

3) Sue, my biggest sister, is celebrating her ## birthday today!! (See, I can keep a secret!)

4) Today is Andrew's (age 4) last day of preschool, his "Celebration" (end-of-the-year show) will be on Monday, we can't wait!

5) Coach Hubby reports that John-Paul (age 6) was incredible in his last tee ball game. He played first base, and actually caught the balls that were thrown at him ;)


1) We found out that if we buy the condo we are currently renting, we will not qualify for a mortgage with anything less that a 10% down payment.

Ouch!! There's no WAY we have that type of money laying around :(

We're trying to strategize and figure out a plan that may include some creative accounting and tax evasion - JUST KIDDING! I'm an accountant after all, and a Catholic :)

What were your highs and lows this week?

Or better yet....join in on this fun Friday theme with me!


  1. LOL Glad I'm not the only one picking out future hubby's for my girls :)

  2. I love your Hi's. The lo's...not so good. Do you have any extra organs to sell? Kidding.
    My week is mostly hi's. Except for my daughter crashing into our fence today...that will cost $$!

  3. YAY for Maggie...God bless her!

    Thanks for hosting this Colleen!

    And I hope you don't mind, I've linked your "this makes sense to me" post on my's GREAT!

  4. oops...forgot:
    You can read my hi/lo entry on


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