Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Socket to me

I went for a follow-up visit with Dr. Tooth Puller Outer yesterday, and told him I was in a lot of pain (which I thought was because I wasn't taking my pain medication anymore).

They looked around, rinsed out my sockets, and made my mouth ache even more!!! Then they informed me that I have "Dry Sockets".

I researched it, and, FYI:

A dry socket is:
Any socket in which a patient is having pain due to the loss of the blood clot thus exposing the bone to air, food, and fluids along with an offensive odor. This often occurs two or more days after an extraction and can last about 5-6 days.
This condition exist when a blood clot is dislodged from the surgery site thus exposing the bone and fine nerve endings. The blood clot helps in the stopping of bleeding and lays the foundation or framework for new tissue and bone to develop over a two-month healing process. This condition is more common in the mandibular area and in back teeth due to poorer circulation in this area, with wisdom teeth being the most common site. Dry socket delays the healing process.
It usually takes gum tissue about 3-4 weeks to heal where as the bone can take up to six months to heal.

Of course, if it's gonna happen to 5% of the population, it would happen to me...I am very lucky like that ;)

So now they are stuffing my sockets with something that looks like a metal hairball in order to irritate the socket so that it will grow new blood clots. Sounds fun, huh? The pain has lessened since the "stuffing" so I am grateful for that.

You know what? If this is the biggest problem in my life right now, then I am actually one lucky girl! As my mom says, I will "Offer it up for the poor souls in purgatory" and make some sense out of suffering :)


  1. Ouch! Oh, my mom has taught us that saying too. Only she says, "Offer it to God." :)

  2. I had dry sockets too, so I must be in that 5% of the population. I remember - it hurt enough to make a grown woman cry!

  3. You poor thing, I do hope the pain lessens soon. I do love your Mom's thoughts on this too.

    that cartoon? PERFECT!!!

  4. Oh my goodness. When I had my wisdom tooth pulled I also developed a dry socket. I feel for you. My skin is crawling with sympathy pain. Hope you are well soon! :S

  5. I had dry sockets too....makes me cring just thinking about it.

  6. Sounds painful and something I want no part of! I hope I can manage to stay in the other 95%!

  7. Hi, I'm Laura's sister-in-law in freezing SA. I'm wife to Pedro's brother, Antonio. My blog "Duarte Boys". I just wanted to say that you amaze me, 4 kids, doing the whole excersie thing, in pain and you still have a sense of humour. WOW, can you post some of the patience over to me???? Keep well! Yvette Duarte
    Catholic Mom to 2 boys.

  8. I love the title and the cartoon! I hope you're feeling better soon. How wonderful that you are using your unfortunate situation to help the poor souls in purgatory.

  9. maybe you should buy a lottery ticket since you are in the low percentage of people for things like this.

  10. Oh my heavens, I hope you're feeling better!

  11. Oh no! *ouch*
    Good luck and hopes for a speedy recovery! Sending prayers your way.

  12. OUCH! I had my wisdom teeth out because they were lying just like yours were on their side.. but I was in the lucky 95% to escape without the dry sockets!! I can't imagine, that sounds awful! Hope you are pain free and heal up soon!!!!!!

  13. Oh darlin', I've been there! I had them too. We're so lucky, huh? :)


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