Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Counting Down the Days Until I Can Hold Another One of These!


  1. oh!
    so sweet!!

    it'll be here before you know it!!

  2. Colleen- Your one goal is by far and away much better than my list of lots of goals for the year! Would love to have your goal as mine!

  3. Colleen- Your one goal is by far and away much better than my list of lots of goals for the year! Would love to have your goal as mine!

  4. EEEEEK! Wow I've been gone a long time - CONGRATULATIONS Colleen! I hope you're feeling well and everything's going smoothly, I'm sure you're a pro at this point :)

    So do you have Evie on your list of names for girls?? :) lol! Happy day :)


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