Wow this week flew by! Today I am spending the day at home with my five bambinos because they have no school. Yay for long weekends and more family time :)
Every Tuesday night for the past couple of months, this is what I look at for half an hour while Eamon gets his speech therapy. The speech therapist has three littles herself, and plays games with him the whole time. She says he is really improving, but I don't hear much difference. He still has a lisssshhhp, but he loves staying up late one night a week and having alone time with me. What a cutie.
Last weekend, Phil and I got to go on a date while our awesome babysitter was home on Spring Break from Franciscan We went to a restaurant where they serve amazing seafood, and met up with some friends like real adults.
You know how everyone loves to give advice to married couples that they need to schedule and prioritize dates? Do you all do that? I do so love our date nights, and all we usually do is go grab a bite to eat and come home 2 or 3 hours later. Does anyone really go out every single week? Or do you just have in house dates like us?
On the menu for lunch today.
I love tuna so much that Fridays during Lent aren't a real sacrifice for me at all. I could eat seafood 5 nights a week if only anybody else in my house would eat it too.
The weather outside is frightful. Not springy at all, and I just bought polo shirts for my boys and a sleeveless dress for Maggie (all color coordinated, of course!) for Easter.
I found these pictures of when Marijanna and family came to visit. I think we all want a baby girl in the Martin house, so she should just leave Clara with us :)
Xander and Ava stole smooches whenever possible:
Good kitty:
Xander and Ava stole smooches whenever possible:
Good kitty:
After all the buzz, Phil and I are going to watch Argo this weekend. Hopefully it'll be good, sometimes me and the award shows don't see eye-to-eye.
Have another snowy weekend (if you live near me anyway)!!
Spring where art thou?
(Go see Jen and friends for more)
After all the buzz, Phil and I are going to watch Argo this weekend. Hopefully it'll be good, sometimes me and the award shows don't see eye-to-eye.
Have another snowy weekend (if you live near me anyway)!!
Spring where art thou?
(Go see Jen and friends for more)
Great post--Colleen, your family is just adorable.
ReplyDeleteWe live in New England and it's not spring yet here either!!! (It never is!)
Regarding date nights, if you manage to get out of the house to have one every week, you're doing better than we did. When our boys were little, we had mostly "in house" dates--it might just mean watching a movie and eating ice cream (which we'd hidden so we could have it all to ourselves after they were asleep--maybe we're bad parents?). But we did always sacrifice the extra sleep to have a little "us" time after the kids were in bed.
Now that we're empty-nesters, though--watch out! We go on real dates all the time! So I can tell you that we enjoyed Argo, because now we sometimes see movies before they come out on video. :)
Weekly-leave-the-house dates? Ha. How is that possible?
ReplyDeleteI would eat seafood all the time, too... But I live in Iowa, where good,fresh seafood is tough to come by. *tear*
We watched Argo a couple of nights ago and really liked it! I'd recommend!
Have a great weekend!
We really enjoyed Argo - hope you do too!
ReplyDeleteAaron and I are pretty crazy about date nights. We make sure to do one a month and 1 overnight a year. I always tell people (and I am only half kidding) that our personalities are actually not well matched for getting along. We are madly in love and totally committed, but VERY different. Date nights, with all this baby having, has become completely essential to us. I can tell when we are nearing the one month mark and it is time to be away from the boys for a hot-second and be in love with each other. BUT, one thing I consider is our 'date nights' are going to become more difficult with 3 in diapers. i think it'll be harder to convince the grandparents its a good idea to take all the kids! So, i am anticipating a more difficult time getting away next year. BUT, then again, I won't be doing youth ministry, so the 2-3 nights that i am gone a week, will be replaced by family time, so they might not be as necessary. those are my LONG thoughts on dating my husband!
ReplyDeleteYou and your man BOTH look like kids. Your children got some good genes!
ReplyDeleteHouse dates, with the ever so occasional actual go out. We do make it out on an annual Barnes and Nobles date after we have accomplished out Christmas shopping. We grab drinks from Starbucks, browse and watch all the frantic people trying to get last minute gifts. Big fun!
ReplyDeleteAdorable pictures! The picture of Ava and the cat made me laugh out loud! so cute!!
ReplyDeleteAwww, newborns! Baby fever in five, four, three.....
ReplyDeleteThe hubby and I really enjoyed Argo. I would love to hear what you thought of it.
Your kids looks so sweet holding the baby! I hope you enjoy having the whole day to spend with them! :)
ReplyDeleteJ and I never schedule dates... actually, we've been on 2 official "dates" since Mikey was born. One was maybe 2 hours long, then home before the baby even needed fed. The other was after bedtime to see The Hobbit. Exciting life we live! Michael is just now getting comfortable going to bed with someone other than me though, so I see dates in the future!
ReplyDeleteAnd that baby girl is adorable! The hair! Eeek!
No spring here! Love the photos!!!
ReplyDeleteWe have entered a blissful phase of having a son who can babysit! He has been doing it for almost 2 years, and is a real pro at changing a diaper and putting the littles in timeout when necessary. We COULD go out once a week, but the budget makes it more like once a month.
We have home dates, too! So much easier than spending the night out. Cheaper, too.
ReplyDeleteNooooo, no Spring here either! Big storm set to arrive from Denver, tomorrow!!! A shoveable snow with temps not climbing...first time I'll get Palms in the snow, I guess!!! We will have to go to Saturday night Mass as I'm not sure we would make it on Sunday. bleh for more snow! I was in St. Louie earlier this week...so glad a best-ie that lives in Boston was able to fly in too...she said took-off in a snowstorm and landed in a thunderstorm! ugh Happy Friday!
ReplyDeleteWatching the snow fly here, Colleen...with more to come. As for date nights...not so much here, which is sad because we have kids old enough to "babysit" any time at all! Sometimes we go to Walmart together...does that count? Have a wonderful weekend, friend!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, those little girls are so cute. Look at all that hair!
ReplyDeleteLove the date pic! Hooray that you got to go out. Hope you have a great weekend!
I like a good can of tuna myself but it appears you have left out a key ingredient! Where's the mayo?!
ReplyDelete6. WE MADE THE BLOG!!! SOOOOOO EXCITING! We had so much fun visiting with you (always do)
ReplyDelete1. OH! We should have visited again!
2. Glad Eamon's going to speech. I'm sure his "lishp" will go in time (mine did). Hopefully his cuteness will hang on forever!
3. Dates? We stocked up before baby. Now we're lucky if we see each other. We DID watch Survivor On Demand last night... does that count?
4. I'll eat fish with you. We're close enough and we both know it's the best around here!
5. I hear ya. But it did become beautiful as the day went by! I didn't even have to clear my car. It melted and slid right off!
7. Let me know how it is.
No spring here either. So sad. And freaking out on how the Easter outfits are gonna go down. We will probably wear our pastels, heels and sandals just as a slap in winter's greedy face.
ReplyDeleteYou know what, a girl looks good on all of you. Maybe you and Phil need some more Martin Family Moment dates in -house to work on that. Just sayin'. ;)
As for "real" dates, I think Reed and I went out alone the last time sometime back in fall of 2010. Not kidding. We went out for our anniversary while I was pregnant with Gianna just after I was put on bedrest after my hospitalization. Yup, it was that memorable that I can put all the details together!! Currently, our in-house dates are Friday evenings watching the Mentalist and Person Of Interest that we DVR during the week. Heck, I get my husband, Simon Baker and Jim Caviezel every Friday. I think I'm pretty darn special.
Happy I-hope-spring-comes-soon-cause-I'm-going-nuts Weekend!!
No Spring here either, but as Shelly, who lives in Texas said, somewhere between their 90 degree unusual temps for spring and our around zero unusual temps, there is spring...
ReplyDeleteThose photos of Baby Clara and Ava are adorable, and of course your kiddos!! Love Xander kissing!
Tuna? Not me. Hate seafood. Chicken though....I would love to do what you did to chicken. Your tuna, I might be able to eat if it were on a salad...but chicken would be better...
Dates? Yes. We try. We do the home dates a lot, we try every day to get time to talk, it does not ever work every day, but we try. We do away from home dates, only quick supper ones, about 1-1 1/2 hours every other week, but not now, during surgery/recovery time. It's on hold for a while. My oldest kids can watch the younger ones now, so we do short quick trips, like quick errands to the post office or Baseball card shop, or whatever....
It's been a work in progress...we've been working hard at it these past few months.
Tom watched ARgo last weekend, I didn't...he said it was good. It's based on a true story...I think I'd like to watch sometime.
My oldest was in speech therapy for a few months...she played games with him also. It worked wonders...once he recognized it while saying words it went really fast.
Simeon will be in speech therapy for years and years...
Great way to look at it, "mama time"
Love the little girl strangling the kitty. I have a pictures of me doing that to my kitties when I was little and all my kids too. Cracks me up.
ReplyDeleteDate nights. Nope..doesn't happen here. We go for a walk by ourselves every sat. and sunday morning. Usually takes us 1/2 hour and we just talk.
I would have asked to keep that baby also. Precious!!
Neat that you get together with so many bloggy friends!
Ahhh date nights! We had a date night planned right before Lent started and then the girls got sick! We have been on two kind-of-dates during Lent - pregnancy care center dinner and silent auction for the Catholic school where we live. Still does not feel the same as a date. I like going on dinner dates with another couple just to mix things up and get other parents on the date night train!
ReplyDeleteOh and I love tuna too... Seriously took it for lunch for 2.5 years straight in middle school. I can still remember falling down the stairs at 5:45 am to the aromatics of canned tuna... when my mom was out of town I think my dad begged me not to bring tuna because tuna that early in the AM is a bit much : )
We "go out" for our anniversary, but other than that its usually just impromptu home date nights. Kudos to you for getting out together more often!!
ReplyDeleteDate night? What's that? We totally just do "in house" dates. In the meantime, I'm counting down the years (months) until my oldest daughter (now 11) turns 13 or 14 and is able to babysit!
ReplyDeleteGreat pictures with Marijanna's family! How sweet!
I haven't been out with Rob in ages . . . I think it may be the better part of a year now, yikes! Between his schedule and the fact that NO ONE wants to be our babysitter, we have to do in house dates. Luckily our kids go to bed early - they have no choice! :)
ReplyDeleteWe just watched Skyfall last weekend (Daniel Craig, delish!) and Argo is on our list.
Love all the pics - you are a good mom at documenting all the fun stuff! :)
Oh that baby is so CUTE!!! And yes yes yes to seafood of all kinds.
ReplyDeleteJason and I get about 2-3 dates a year. I just asked and he said "I don't feel the extraordinary need to go on more???...Unless you want to go on more???" We're good with where we are. One day, the little ones can be left with the older ones and we won't even remember this stage. But we'll try as we skip and laugh with freedom :)
You look so pretty! Love all the fam pics, especially of the kids holding Clara. So sweet! Miss you guys!