Friday, December 27, 2013

7 Quick Takes: Christmas Roundup

First up, a 27 week, 3 day photo.  There's no denying that bump looks like a boy.  And a big strapping boy at that. (Sorry, Maggie!)

This is my oldest sibling, my brother Sean.  His birthday is on Christmas Day, and we really went all out this year and let him host the party and got him such an extravagant cake.  We Sweeneys are the nicest.  

Sean turned 47 *cough, cough, sigh, what?* this year and I am way too young to have a brother that old.  Jeepers.  He also thinks he can predict baby's genders by feeling the mom's belly.  He claims he's only been wrong one time, and that was when he guessed my Alexander would be an Alexandra.  As for this current womb baby o' mine...he says girl.  So I'm saying his wrongness tally is about to double.

Here's my side of the family.  

Somewhere in there are my still-over-the-moon-in-love parents, their 6 kids, their 6 kids-in-law, and their 20 grandchildren.  When we have a family party, it really is just the immediate aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents...and it still is overwhelming!  Good thing some of my siblings have big houses for hosting!

Here are all the littles.  The oldest is 15 and the youngest is 2.  They all love each other so much.  It's pretty stinkin' awesome.  

Each child only gets ONE gift from all the Aunts & Uncles, and they love it, and it's perfect.  I highly recommend organizing your gift giving this way.  Ain't nobody got time for spoiled, entitled kids.

Have you all read about Marijanna's baby boy that was born too early into Heaven?  Please send a hug and prayer her way.  She is doing so well, thanks be to God, because of the strong faith she and her hubby have.  Gabriel John was a gift and as Maggie said as soon as she found out what had happened "Oh my gosh, now they have a Saint in their family!!!!!"  Saint Gabriel John, pray for us.

Last weekend, we went down to Maryland for a quick trip to celebrate Christmas with Phil's side of the family.  Lots of cousins to play with down there too!  Phil's parents have 6 kids, 3 kids-in-law, and 14 grandchildren (plus 2 in Heaven).  They also love playing together and are all close in age (from 11 down to 4 months).  

Making chocolate lollipops...

Although at times, it gets loud and messy and louder and messier, I can't imagine having Christmas without tons of little kids around.  I can literally count my blessings.  I say a special prayer this time of year for anyone suffering from infertility, loneliness, or illness.  May God give you peace and may you feel His love.

Well, go celebrate with your loved ones because IT'S STILL CHRISTMAS!!!  Kelly has some great ideas on how to make the next 10 days or so special.  


  1. Merry Christmas Martin family!!!!! Colleen, I'm going to guess girl also, and since I'm always wrong, even when guessing the gender of my own children, you're probably having a boy.
    And I wish you were on Facebook just so you could make #1 your profile picture. LOVE IT!

  2. I'm with Kelly and guessing girl, just because I think the video of Maggie's reaction would perhaps be the BEST thing ever :P And YES, that first picture is incredible and would totally be the perfect Facebook profile picture :)

  3. Big families, if blessed with them, are awesome, aren't they? Unfortunately, we live pretty far from all the kids' cousins. Holidays can be hard, but we sure try to make it special for them :) My side of the family has always done a gift exchange amongst the grandkids. Each grandchild receives one gift…and that would be from whoever drew their name. Can't afford it any other way in big families.

    I love the front porch on your group photo. So pretty and the ornaments hanging are adorable and festive.

    Did you ever notice yourself carrying different with Maggie? The babes I carried, I carried all the same way…and they all ended up being girls.

    Merry Christmas!

  4. My belly with Baby looked like your typical "boy" belly -- everyone swore she was boy including me! So I don't know if you can go strictly by belly - I am holding out hope for Maggie! :)

  5. So jealous of your family size! My kids will have a max of 4 cousins, and that's being generous. I keep telling Steven it's all the more reason for us to have lots of babies :).

  6. I'm one of 7 kids and we also do one gift per child. Every cousin draws a name and gives a gift to another cousin. Makes it so nice and they love seeing who "got" them each year. We have 17 kids between us, ranging from 24 to 1. They love each other so much - and I love that! I grew up the oldest of 19 cousins and I remember loving being with my own cousins.

  7. The first picture is fantastic! You are all belly, we need to see a pic of you pregnant with Maggie to compare. Merry Christmas!


  8. Merry Christmas season Martins! What great family time and photos. The family photo on the porch is just so beautiful. Truly. I'm just going to hold out with Miss Maggie for a sister. I don't care how you are carrying, I'm sticking with girl until we know different :) Continue to celebrate and enjoy your family time!

  9. You look really cute! Love the cousin fun.

  10. Fun! I'm thinking it's a girl ;)

  11. Love the picture of your huge family... What beautiful hope!
    The Little House That Grew ... My daughter changed my profile...

  12. Big families are theee best! I grew up with a bunch of cousins (my mom is one of twelve) and wouldn't have it any other way!
    Btw - saw that you changed your header again and have two thoughts: 1. You are so good about having good pictures of your kids! and 2. Xander looks more like a little boy and not like a baby. When did that happen?

  13. I love all of the beautiful joy-filled pics! And you look adorable. :)

  14. The pics are just so awesome! So many of you. It definitely shows that more is merrier! You look great, too, by the way! AND the new pic of the kiddos is fabulous!

  15. I think it's a girl too! You know I was darn sure Janey was a boy all the way through...I think the sixth might play that trick on us just to keep us hopping. Love the new header, but they all look so grown up! :)


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