Monday, May 11, 2015

A Mother's Day Fail

Mother's Day started out with a bang...homemade cards on the table, lots of hugs and kisses from the kiddos, and then out to breakfast we went.  Every year for Mother's day, I ask for one go out to breakfast.  "That's all I want", I insist!

This is almost always followed by a family walk around the fort near our house, and then back home where I take a nap.  

It was perfection for those early morning hours!

And then the rest of the day happened.

The rest of the day went down like a typical weekend day - an away lacrosse game (an hour drive each way!), fighting kids, yardwork, fighting kids, a trip to Lowe's, fighting kids, dinner on the run, a visit with my Mom, home for baths and bedtime and last minute homework.  Then I had a house to clean up as Phil ran outside to plant the newly purchased veggies and herbs in the garden.  As we sat down (finally!) at the end of the night, my sister texted me:

Phil leaned over to read the texts, and said "Sorry, babe, you need a Mother's Day do-over".  And I felt really bad.  How exactly did I expect Mother's Day to go down?  I got exactly what I had asked for...breakfast out!  Yet, I was left wishing for a much more relaxing day filled with fun activities and perfect children.

But (reality check!) all those kids still needed to get to their games and have their bellies fed and their bums wiped and their tears kissed and their voices heard.  That stuff doesn't go away on Mother's Day - that's life!  I wouldn't even be a mother if I didn't have these babies who needed me.

Phil was right, I do need a Mother's Day do-over.  But not because the day lived up to less than my expectations, but because I lived up to less than my expectations.  Thank goodness I get to wake up and try again.  And thank God for sweet babies who love me nonetheless.


  1. I failed too. Thanks for the pep talk. I am going to kick butt at being a loving mama tomorrow, during the good times and bad.

  2. Ugh! I felt this same way on Sunday. Ok, I have felt this same way every. single. mother's day. I am so tired of how society makes the "ideal" mother's day look- it does not exist! Anyways, you're awesome!

  3. Girl, I have been there. Several years ago and since then I take my expectations WAY down. Not that I wanted it to be all about ME, but it was a day hubby wanted everyone to do what mom wanted to do. When the kids complained about every little thing we did, even including things I tried to include for their fun, I was sad at the end of the day. And miserable.
    This year, the weather was dreary and rainy and I made absolutely no plans. On Saturday we spend time with my family to celebrate my mom which was important to me. On Sunday, the kids and Reed made breakfast which is a tradition now, even if Reed does most of the work. With the weather being what it was, we couldn't really go out and do much of anything. Instead, in my current pregnant state, I did what I could which was finish my book and took a nap. Reed tried to keep the kids entertained and fed while also cleaning the floor and bathrooms. That alone was a great gift and took my mind off having to worry about it another day. In the evening we went to his parents and ate crappy food like hot dogs, chips, and cake.
    All in all, the lowered expectations of perfection or a day that will just go by slowly so I could enjoy it, minus kids bickering/fighting, is all we can ask for.
    And yes, I wouldn't even get to celebrate Mother's Day without those beautiful kiddos that can drive me nuts sometimes. Gotta love 'em. Thanks for that reminder.

    A text on Monday from the priest I work for finished it off best "Just because Mother's Day is over, doesn't mean you shouldn't feel loved today."

    In the end, I know that I am. I hope you do too.

  4. Enjoy these moments when those crazy kids are together and fighting. When they "grow up so fast" and are away at college it is different. I was short a kid this year! You are so blessed with all your little ones! Happy Mother's Day! I never check gmail but I did and saw your note.
    Come say HI...very lonely bloggy!


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