Monday, April 4, 2022

Declan the Great Turns Eight

Happy Birthday Declan Kolbe!!

Eight is Great!

Declan is such a loving, sweet, happy and grateful little boy.  He is a complete joy to our family, and we love him so.  He has been counting down to his big day for months, and knew he wanted Shepherd's Pie (with only corn! no peas or carrots!) for dinner and Charlie Brown Cake for dessert, with ice cream of course.  Whatever you want, little man.

On last year's birthday, he was missing those two front teeth, and now he is missing the two on either side :)

Declan asked for some very specific presents, and as a mom of a kid who is the easiest to please, I always want to get him whatever his little heart desires.  He is the opposite of spoiled, he is happy with a cardboard box and hours outside to play.  So when he asked for an umbrella, well he got one!

He also requested a soft stuffed dolphin to sleep with, a watch because whenever he asks me what time it is I say "Time for you to get a watch!" and some new shoes because the expensive ones I bought him hurt his heels.

We surprised him with an astronaut projector for his bedroom, which is actually really neat and pretty to watch, I highly recommend.

Finally, the big reveal was a note that said he was going to get a....


Declan needs to go to the shop to get fitted for a rental and one of Phil's coworkers is going to give him lessons.  Declan has been asking to play the violin for a long time and we made him wait until he was a little older to start (and make sure he really wanted to commit).  I'm stoked because I used to play when I was a kid and I think I'm going to rent my own violin and take lessons beside him.

Declan, we hope all of your birthday wishes come true!  We love watching you grow and thank God everyday that we get to be a part of it.  As you tell us, we love you from the bottom of our hearts.  Never change sweet boy.


  1. Happy Birthday Declan! What sweet requests he has. What is a Charlie Brown cake?

    1. I'm not sure if the cake's name was made up by my mom or what, but it's a chocolate cake with a cream cheese filling that kind of looks like the design of Charlie Brown's shirt when you cut a piece :)

  2. I love that you guys are going to take violin lessons together! So fun! I also was wondering what a Charlie Brown cake was because I was pretty sure kids these days have no idea about Peanuts! :)

    1. You'll be happy to know that Declan loves the Peanuts gang, especially Snoopy!

  3. Happy Birthday, Declan. If Curly was a girl, she was going to be Declan. I love his simple requests. How amazing to take violin lessons with him. Both my girls play violin, but we call it fiddle. They only play Irish tunes. Such a pretty instrument. I wondered what Charlie Brown cake was too. Sounds yummy. My Grandma in heaven's birthday is tomorrow, so close.

    1. Fiddling is the goal! Happy birthday to your Grandma :)

  4. Happy birthday! Eight IS great, and so is that cake, omg, I wish I could have a piece!

    1. I'd serve you a piece from the center because the edges were a little dry...oops!

  5. Oh my goodness! The sweetest, all around! I love the violin as a gift. My 5-year-old has been asking for lessons but selfishly I'm not quite ready for the sounds of a beginning string player in the house! Terrible, I know :) But that would be so sweet for both of you to play together!

    1. Oh and it is so painful in the beginning! Our piano man started lessons at age 7 I think, but he was not into sports at all. Declan is into EVERYTHING so I wanted to make sure he was serious about the violin for a while before we went ahead with it.


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