Friday, April 28, 2023

Week in Review: It's Gonna Be May, Setting Up Shop, Winner and a Chicken Dinner

Where did the week go?  How is it already the time of year where I post:

And May is when the doors windows to The Ice Cream Cottage will finally open!  I bought some white planters and my dad built a big flower box to go in between them.  The carpentry dept. at the vocational high school near us is making the big "The Ice Cream Cottage" sign for the building, and I have the other signs ordered.  The shutters came in, and the electrician and plumber wrapped up. It will look so pretty when it's done.

Phil ordered two chest freezers for ice cream bucket storage, and let's just say that nobody better cross him because these things are huge and he's 50% Sicilian ;)

We ordered a lot of supplies online and also drove to a restaurant warehouse store in Rhode Island and filled up my Honda Odyssey to the brim.  We will have to go back before we open for the perishables but we have a good head start!

The floors inside the Cottage are so ugly (U-G-L-Y you ain't got no alibi) but they are now cleaned and waxed and ready to pass inspection.  Hopefully we can replace the floor in a year or two.  The beauty of a takeout shop is that nobody sees the floors anyway!

I was very proud of myself on Saturday morning because I walked the dog at 6 am with Phil for 3 miles, took a HIIT class and then a Zumba class at the gym with Maggie and by 11:30 had already burned 1,028 calories.  Don't fret, I immediately consumed double that because I just love food.

I am thinking of buying some new pillows for our coach, so when I saw this quote it hit home:

The six boys who live in the house don't understand pillows either.  Sorry to their future wives.

Andrew asked me to take some pictures of him that he could use for his college instagram page introduction, but he didn't like any of them.  I think he's so cute but the backgrounds were meh.

Phil and I went out to eat on Sunday and split this double decker burger.  Ok fine, we also split nachos and basically waddled our way out the door.

I did indeed make the mango salsa and it was delish!  Here's our dinner on Monday.  Grilled chicken, roasted cauliflower and broccoli and mango salsa.  The kids had rice instead of the salsa because their tastebuds be boring.

Maggie informed me that we always have grilled chicken on Mondays and I never noticed that but I think it's because we indulge on weekends and then I try to get back on track on Mondays.  Do you do the same?

Phil took Declan to see his high school's version of Cinderella and Declan won the 50/50 raffle.  $138!!  He kept $8 and put $130 in his savings account like a good boy.

When I asked him how the play was, he said "Good but they kissed three times!  So gross!"

Maggie and I dressed similarly by accident one day, and then went to my sister's house where her daughter was dressed like us too.  Three Catholic sweatshirts in bluish grey!  


And that, my friends, is what's been going on in our neck of the woods.  I hope your April is wrapping up nicely and have a wonderful weekend!


  1. I can't wait to see the finished cottage! I'm so excited for you guys!!! And good for Declan! My kids would have wanted to go to the store immediately.

    1. We have a couple savers and a couple spenders for sure!

  2. The ice cream cottage is coming along. So busy - not idea how you are juggling all of this. Very excited for you to open shop. The dressing alike is hilarious. Hooray for Declan's luck! Aw, Andrew. He is so handsome. Mini had a similar issue when she forgot to have a grad photo taken. All the pictures I took of her were lovely, but she didn't like any of them. Maybe he'll feel more photogenic on a sunny day while holding a yummy ice cream cone. ;)

    1. So Andrew's gf ended up taking the watermark off of his senior picture so that he could just use that for his social media photo. She must be a witch because I have no idea how she did that ;)

  3. B asked me to take photos of him for some college roommate match site, and NOTHING WAS GOOD ENOUGH. Not even when I suggested his professional senior portraits. At least *I* got some food photos.
    And if E chooses a maritime college in MA, maybe I’ll have an excuse to stop by your ice cream shop in a couple years!

    1. I know exactly what college you are talking about and it's only a half hour from us!!

  4. That Justin Timberlake meme never gets old and I'm so excited whenever it's appropriate to use it again! It's so fun to see behind the scenes of your ice cream shop. Our neighborhood shop is also family owned and my girls are practically counting down the days until they're old enough to work there.

    That is quite the 50/50 haul!! So funny about the kissing, too. On a similar note, I recently had the first in-depth, just-the-facts conversation with my 9 year old about how babies are made, and she looked at me in horror and said "So you and Daddy have done this FOUR TIMES?!?!" and then her follow up, "Why did God even think this was a good plan?" It took everything in me not to crack up! Someday she'll understand ;)

    1. Oh Lord, Maggie was horrified to learn her mom and dad did that seven times. I was horrified for her imagination!

  5. I'm SO excited for the ice cream shoppe! It's already so darn cute.

    Andrew is SO darn handsome; that boy could be modeling right now.

    I can eat grilled chicken daily, especially is someone else grills it!

    1. Thanks, and I agree with everything you said :) Ha!


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