Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Wednesday Workout Wrapup - 2024 Begins!

I'm going to try to record my workouts each Wednesday in 2024 with any notes that seem mentionable.  Feel free to avoid these posts if they seem boring or boastful.  I hope that they are neither, but I shy away from talking about certain topics like my job and workouts for that reason.  However, exercise is a big part of my day (though I often joke that you wouldn't know it by looking at me) and it feels weird to deliberately not talk about it.  

I love to eat and I know that losing or maintaining weight is done in the kitchen and not the gym but I seem to have a handle on the exercise part better than the eating part.  I just love to be active, it's so great for mental health and it tires out my body which helps my brain shut off so I can sleep better.  I know that I am pretty healthy based on my fitness levels and resting heart rate, blood tests, etc. but I am prone to develop diabetes as I had gestational diabetes, and my cholesterol is high due to genetics.  So I always want to keep my diet in check and also keep moving.  I hope 2024 will be a journey to even better health and maybe finally get back to a happy weight where I fit into all my clothes and feel better.

I wear an Apple watch and my goal is to burn 800 Move Calories each day, when I wore a Fitbit my goal was 15,000 steps on a weekday and 20,000 on a weekend.  That seems like a lot now, but back then I used to run five or six days a week.  Since I mostly sit at a desk all day in my office, I try to fit exercise in the morning before work, on my lunch break, or in the evening.  I also try for it NOT to interfere with the kids' busy schedules, so if I can squeeze a fitness class in while someone is at swim team practice or go for a run during a soccer practice, that's what I do.  Phil does the same and we try to be very respectful about letting each other work out, while taking the least amount of time away from the family.  Our kids will go on runs and walks with us, or come to the gym to work out if they are not currently in a sports season, so it's definitely a family affair!  

Taking over the hotel gym while in Savannah

Ok here are January's workouts so far...

Monday, January 1: 

4 mile Run in Maryland

1 mile Walk with dog

Tuesday, January 2:

3 mile Walk with dog (drove home from MD and unpacked this day)

Wednesday, January 3:

45 min. Functional Fitness Class - while Xander had swim team practice

4 mile Walk - one walk at lunch and one in evening with dog

Thursday, January 4:

45 min. Stair Stepper - done before work

5 mile Walk - one walk at lunch and one in evening with dog

Friday, January 5:

1 hour Boot Camp Class - at 5:30 am at a YMCA 20 minutes away from our house.  I am VERY proud of this one because waking up that early is no fun, but the class was amazing and I was sore for days.

3 mile Walk at lunch

Saturday, January 6: 

4 mile Run

3 mile Walk with dog

Sunday, January 7:

45 min. Cardio Pump Class  - rainy and snowy day, no walk

Monday, January 8:

1 hour on Elliptical - while Xander had swim practice

1 mile Walk with dog after work

Tuesday, January 9:

4 mile Run on treadmill at lunch - stormy night, no walk


  1. I love these kinds of posts, both for inspiration as well as a sense of what works for people! Exercise is just as important for mental health as for physical and I do find when I'm in a regular exercise routine, I'm also more likely to make healthier choices in the kitchen. I also love running on vacation -- it's such a fun way to explore a new place. I really can't wait for spring when I can take the babies out in the jogging stroller instead of being limited to the treadmill during nap time!

    1. Oh the dreadmill is so hard to work up the motivation to do...even though I save all my favorite shows to watch! I didn't like taking the kids in the stroller when I ran. I just need time away while I workout, so it was worth it to me to wait for my husband to get home or to take a class at the gym and use childcare. I would get irrationally mad if someone in the stroller started crying or needed a diaper change, and if I worked out all alone, I was a MUCH more patient mom for the rest of the day.


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