Friday, February 9, 2024

Week in Review: Ordinary Days, TV Shows and Super Bowl Menus

Happy Friday!  The sun is shining so everything just seems so much more figureoutable, doesn't it?  

This was a normal week at Casa Martin, filled with basketball games (nine), basketball practices (eight), swim team practices (four), one volleyball practice, one swim lesson, one piano lesson and one violin lesson.  By the end of February, all of the basketball and swim goes away and I am here for it.  A certain someone is talking about joining the track team this spring to stay in shape for volleyball/basketball and track has the easiest schedule to stay on top of, so there's that.  Will I miss all this one day?  Probably.

Sometimes Phil "works" the home games by selling tickets, and gets a front row seat to Maggie's foul shots:

We've been trying to eat all the Valentine candy before Lent starts.  It's a tough job but somebody has to do it:

As I was cutting up my daily apple, I thought to myself...does anyone eat an apple whole?  I always have to slice or chop mine up.  A whole apple is just not appealing or should I say apeeling.

We celebrated a friend's 70th birthday last weekend and that chocolate bomb cake was indeed the bomb.

Last Friday night, I was watching Maggie's home game, Xander was at a school event and Phil was home with the little 2 boys.  He sent me these photos and I just fell in love with him even more.  I hope our kids never realize that Friday night pizza and movie night is for tired parents as much as the kids :)

We have leftover gummy bears from the Ice Cream Cottage, and I threw some on top of their popcorn one night, and now they ask for it!

Romance might not look the same as it did back when we were dating and newlyweds, but it still exists, in the form of encouraging your wife to satisfy her chocolate craving:

Why does it always seem to be a Martin child who volunteers to get taped to the wall at the middle school Campus Ministry Club:

While returning some clothes last weekend, I stopped into a Talbots outlet and found a cute sweater.  When I went to the register, the lady said "Oh and it's your birthday month, so you get an extra 10% off!"  I really shouldn't have bought a new sweater as I had just spent FOUR HOURS cleaning out my closet a couple weeks ago, and gotten rid of multiple garbage bags full.  But it was already an extra 50% off the discounted price + 10% birthday month = practically free.  Girl math.

A text from Eamon on Thursday morning made me realize just how close we are to the water:

Phil and I have been rewatching the series The Middle.  

We watched it when it originally aired, but it's even funnier to watch all these years (and children) later.  It's our comedy chaser that we watch right before bed after watching shows like these:

After much discussion, and factoring in that one of us will be at Maggie's volleyball tournament on that day, here's our Super Bowl menu:

And it's really been annoying if you're *not* a Taylor Swift fan to hear all the talk about her latest Grammy, her new album, if she'll make it to the superbowl, etc.  Can you imagine being one of the best athletes in your sport,  and every time you play a game, they turn the camera to your girlfriend?  At every press conference, you're asked about your girlfriend's schedule?  It's too much!  I much prefer a love story like this:

Have a great game watching, lots of eating, call your loved ones kind of weekend everybody!


  1. I do know someone who eats the entire apple minus the stem. I will continue to pass - the backyard chickens love the scraps!

    The Superbowl menu looks amazing.

    1. I mean if you're already going to eat the seeds and core, why not the stem? :)

  2. I eat apples whole sometimes, but definitely prefer to have them sliced. If I'm going to eat it whole I prefer to be outside so I can compost my core in the woods!
    Yikes about that fire!

    1. I should walk outside my office and throw the core into the woods instead of in my trash can!

  3. Our house is split on apples. 2 for slicing, 2 for whole! I am so impressed by your menu... we haven't even talked about it. Likely because I still really hope both teams lose so it's difficult for me to drum up excitement. Also... 9 basketball games? That's as many as people in your family. And 2 are at college. And I didn't think you and Phil played in a league. Which means that's way way too much basketball. Patron Saint of Basketball I will never be.

    1. Crazy, right? 9 games and 8 practices between three kids. Could you imagine if all nine of us were playing? haha! I think since I don't care much about the game, the food is what we're focused on. We took it easy this year because of the volleyball tournament scheduled from 1:30-5:30 ON SUPERBOWL SUNDAY :(

  4. I like apples whole, if they're the right kind of apples. (pink ladies, anyone? or maybe a Gala). However, usually I slice them and the kids are so much more likely to eat them that way. I bought an apple corer that does 16 slices; the kids love this size.
    And that's just too many games. I hope your kids can car pool with other people for away games! I have to drive kids for jr high games (small Catholic school means no money for a bus) and the end of season is always welcome.
    An accounting question for you : would a kid who's good at math but is not into the more abstract concepts or patterns be good at accounting? I need to figure out what I'm going to do with my HS sophomore who could do the typical math honors courses, but for many reasons, will not be taking that path. (At least not without my hair going gray even more as I explain "you have to show your work" to someone who figures things out in his head and sees no point in writing down the steps.)

    1. OK I want to be your kid, that size of a slice sounds perfect!

      The high schoolers have buses to/from away games, thank goodness. The kid on CYO basketball has to be driven about 20 minutes away to each game (it's a central site for all teams in league). He actually carpooled with a friend last night because of everything else we had going on.

      And I think accounting would suit that child of yours! I hated geometry and precalculus but loved algebra and calculus. I loved chemistry too - all the formulas made sense, whereas physics was more abstract. Accounting is more like formulas and balancing numbers. Requires organizational skills and attention to detail. It's a boring job, but someone's gotta do it :)

  5. I can confirm that yes, you will miss it! Also, dang, I'm coming to your house for the Super Bowl! That menu sounds delicious! It will just be me and Dan watching it but I think I might make one appetizer to munch on. I'm pulling for the 49ers. Brock Purdy seems like such a good guy and he's been speaking out about his faith and that always endears me to an athlete.

    1. Brock Purdy is well-liked in my house, as is Butker. Hope your app was delish!

  6. Love so much here - girl math? Yes. Buy that sweater. Such a deal. And the crazy schedule is so relatable. And I think you probably will miss it. I remember so many games and so many practices and Coach working late. And the Irish dancing lessons and the Irish music lessons - those all collided on Mondays, and I used to call it Irish Mondays and the kids still talk about it. Eat the candy, - tough job but someone has to do it. Also WE LOVE THE MIDDLE. We haven't watched it in a few years, but we watched it as reruns. The kids always felt like the show was made directly from our lives. Coach and I are watching Fool Me Once. Good limited series sort of a show. We are enjoying it and we never watch TV. That is quite a fab spread for the game. Reg hosted friends in the basement, so I made pumpkin bread and 7 layer taco dip. We had enough left over chili to feed the few family members who weren't invited to a friend's house.

    1. Ooooh how does one go about getting family members invited to other people's houses?? Asking for a friend!

  7. I just can't eat an apple whole either!

    I too love The Middle. Not sure what this says about me lol but I appreciate that the show made life look really hard [but the show is still funny and enjoyable!] There were a lot of times Mike and Frankie were legitimately stressed and didn't know how they would pay for things! Uh, same. :) So many sitcoms make it look like a breeze!

    1. I think that's why it's funnier this time too, I remember relating to the financial hardships sooooo much back when it aired, and sometimes that isn't funny. It's nice to be a teeny bit removed from that feeling to just enjoy the show :)

  8. Nothing but net, Maggie! Amazing!

    I can TOTALLY see a week with 9 basketball games in our future. One week last month we had 5 games just for Greta (because she plays for both developmental and JV teams). It is craziness and somehow I sort of forgot that the season ends in February for us too -- I breathed a sigh of relief that we can make it work for just two more weeks!

    We didn't have any fancy food for the Super Bowl. Nick was out of town for work and so it was just me and the girls -- none of us follow football at all, but we turned on the game anyway and they were 100% committed to watching it in hopes of a Taylor Swift sighting ;) So, I'm sorry. You would have been very annoyed with us if we were at your Super Bowl party :D

    Also, what in the world are donkey balls?? That's a new one to me!

    1. Donkey Balls are like a rice crispy/peanut butter ball dipped in chocolate :)

  9. Your Super Bowl menu sounds incredible. And that Joe Montana, he’s just the best! What a doll. I always thought Brady was the GOAT, but I think I’ve changed my mind.

    1. Kirk Cousins also has my heart :) I loved Brady for his skills, not his personality ;)

  10. I cannot fathom eating an apple whole. Nope, never.
    I love gummy bears. I love popcorn. You've given me a great idea!!

    1. Joe Montana, almost as sweet as gummy bears :)

  11. Dr Death and American Nightmare were nuts!! I had to watch the real Dr Death stories after to see if it really happened like that. Mind blown!!


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