Monday, May 6, 2024

The Last First Communion of the Martin Family

Our last Martin family First Communion took place yesterday, and it was beautiful.  Brendan Joseph, at the wee age of seven and a bit on the smaller side, borrowed a suit from one of Declan's friends that he had worn to his First Communion.  He looked very sharp and was so excited to receive Jesus!!

Phil is the Director of Religious Ed at our parish, and had one of the parents take these professional photos, which was such a great addition.

Brendan did the second reading and Eamon was serving the Mass (along with Xander and Declan) and making sure the readers got up on the step and close to the microphone.

At the end of the Mass, each child received the Brown Scapular and then sang Ave Maria as a group, which was as adorable and emotional as you might imagine.

Now for all of the lesser quality phone pics!  

Maggie was the sacristan (setting up the altar before Mass) so she went with Phil and Brendan to the church early and took some great photos of the big guy.  First a few at the house:

Then at the church:

Before Mass started, I took this photo of my parents and Maggie in the pew:

Then Maggie and I tried to take a selfie and my dad saw and insisted that he and Maggie take a selfie:

Which Maggie and I thought was hysterical and couldn't stop giggling.  Whatta guy.

After the (kinda long, kinda hot) but beautiful Mass, we went outside for some fresh air and some photos.  

Brendan with his godparents:

Good old Mom and Dad:

My side of the family that came to the church (some family members were only able to come to the house after):

Gammy and Grandpa, looking snazzy and dare I say ~ Coastal Grandparent-y, with their last grandchild to receive First Communion:

We sent photos to JP and Andrew who are still at Franciscan taking finals.  Andrew sent this text:

Gosh I miss them so much...only two more days!!

Then it was time to go home and party!  Since it was Cinco de Mayo, we celebrated with mexican food...enchilada casserole (I add black beans), chicken fajitas, beef tacos with all the fixings, spanish rice, hot mexican street corn dip, chips and salsa, a salad and churros.  

Funny story - I spent Saturday cooking and cleaning, and when I was done, I realized that one of my press-on nails had come off.  I don't normally wear these type of nails, but I put them on for the school gala and left them on for First Holy Communion.  For the whole party, I kept expecting someone to be chewing their food and then yell out "What in the world is this" as they pulled my nail out of their mouth.  Phil said we should buy a scratch ticket and whoever found the nail got the ticket.  In the end, nobody ate the nail so I guess it fell off during the cleaning portion of my day.  Phew!  Also, with the way I clean and cook, you can see why a nail may fall off, heehee (sneaky video by Maggie, but hey you gotta dance like no one's watching videoing!):

For dessert, nail-free cake and ice cream!

Then it was present time!  I got Brendan this First Communion sign:

It took Declan a few minutes to realize it spelled out Brendan :)

 along with an Owala and an electronic cube game.  He also received a beautiful First Communion box from the Holy Land to store his rosary beads and other treasures, a statue of St. Brendan, a balloon game and cold hard cash.  I said that I would put most of the money in his savings account because it was pretty empty, and he said "well my wallet's pretty empty too".  That kid :)

All in all, it was a great day and we were all able to be present in the moment and have fun at the party, which is always the goal when you're hosting.  Thank you Jesus for the gift of your love and all of our lovies we've been blessed with, especially our little caboose on his special day.  Congrats Brendan!


  1. What a blessed day! And you certainly set out a great party!
    What saint is that statue? I'm trying to read the words at the bottom but not having much luck.

    1. The mexican food theme was a very fun change from the typical party fare. It's St. Francis Xavier, our parish name :)

  2. This is a significant moment for you, isn't it? The littlest one is growing up in a memorable way. I sense a bit of wistfulness in this post. The party after looks great, btw.

    1. Wistfulness is the perfect word to describe motherhood, Ally! Everything is beautiful and emotional and takes time to ponder in my heart, it's just so fleeting and magical.

  3. Congratulations to Brendan; he looks so handsome! I love that this is a family affair, complete with Mexican food! Brava!

    1. Thank you, there's just something extra adorable about a little boy in a suit :)

  4. Congratulations to Brendan! Love his suit! And also a hearty congrats to Phil because I am exhausted today as I am sure he is too!! I also love Andrew's text. That kid of yours is a hoot!

    1. He is! We only have one First Communion (I think there were 24 kids) so I can't imagine having to do it three times - yikes! As you know from last year, it's tough being the DRE and the parent :)

  5. Wow you have dancing skills. To my face and congratulations to your sweet boy. My 2 oldest made their first communions together last week. It definitely was bitter sweet and beautiful all at the same time to see them growing up.

    1. I love to dance, but skills I do not have :) Wow to have two must be doubly sentimental! Congrats!

  6. Love your dance moves, girl!!! Brendan is the cutest ever, so happy for him!

    1. Haha thanks :) The baby is just a little cuter than the rest, right? It's purely an age thing!

  7. So, so sweet!! Grandpa's selfie skills, your AMAZING dance moves, and of course, sweet Brendan's little face. I love that First Communion sign ... saving the link to use next year when Cece will be making her first communion! God bless Brendan!

    1. Grandpa was pointing to the phone and then to himself and Maggie, so I started to take a pic of them, and he was like No, the other way. haha. I used to give those signs as gifts to my nieces and nephews on First Communion of Confirmation, they are a hit!

  8. So lovely. What great pics. I am not as laid back when I am cleaning. I salute you. How do you manage to always be upbeat and fun? Congrats to Brendan. He looks so handsome. I always end up missing getting a photo with someone, like a set of grandparents or something. Those are busy days, but so wonderful.

    *Poor Reg came home from mass on his First Communion day, said he didn't feel well, and I assumed he hadn't eaten. Did anyone feed the guest of honor breakfast? Turned out that wasn't it. He was sick. He puked his guts out and remained upstairs in my room, missing his entire party. :(

    1. I was happy dancing and cleaning because I roped everyone into helping me on Sat night instead of doing it all Sunday morning and that relieved a lot of stress. Plus we always clean and cook with music on, and sometimes you just have to feel the beat, ya know! That's so sad about Reg's first communion experience - he really is the forgotten child ;)

  9. What a beautiful day! I guess you and I are on a similar life trajectory, because this Sunday was the baptism of my last child. The age for baptism in my faith is age 8, the purpose being similar to Catholic First Communion (making promises with God and becoming an official member of the church). It was a really sweet moment for us and I'm so glad it was a great day for you, too.

    1. Congrats to your son! It's so special to see them make these steps in their faith, isn't it? And the last baptism for your family was very sentimental, I'm sure.


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