Tuesday, July 2, 2024

How to Be the Perfect Summer Mom with No Boredom, Complaints or Fights From the Kids.

 I have no idea how to be one, that was supposed to end in a Question Mark not a Period.

Sometimes we're thriving and sometimes we are just surviving.

Camp starts next week.


Hang in there moms :)


  1. I definitely fall in the just surviving category. The girls are doing swim team and they like it. This is good news, as they fought us initially (esp Rae). But it is very time consuming. Meets are on Coach's late nights, so I am on swim meet duty.

    We have them in tutoring too. Dang - one gets invited over by her friend almost daily (or she comes to our house), but the older girl - um, not so much. I believe she has friends, but I don't think we are on their radar yet.

    The younger one fights us to do school work and we are trying to get her to be closer to grade level. This is a good goal. She wants this. STOP FIGHTING ME. Also, it would help if she could be slightly less annoying. She's 12 but acts more like she's 8.

    Today my rosary meditation's message was God works all things for good. I needed this message today. So, this is good. Everything is fine. Things will get better. God wants it to be good, so I translate that to mean, she will not always be annoying. Right? Tell me I'm right? ;)

  2. HA HA!! Best of luck---you will survive and the kids will have a blast. :)


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