Wednesday, July 17, 2024

On Prime and Now It's Mine

Did you know that it's Prime Day?  I'm sure you do and if you are in the mood to buy something, may I suggest that you use this link to start shopping?  Thanks so much!

Our Prime Day purchases included:

I was influenced by a famous lady travelling through Italy who said she wore this dress over and over, seems really baggy so I ordered it in a small.  Fingers crossed.

I love an athletic skort over shorts anyday, and this one is only $18 right now.

Eamon asked for these Hey Dude's to wear with his school uniform and a new pair of airpods.

Maggie got this backpack for her Junior year.

The little guys wanted these reusable water balloons which do honestly seem like lots of fun.

Andrew bought an Apple Watch (he lost his last summer jumping off a cliff).  I also lost mine to the ocean, but I am trying to see if I can live without one.  It's not looking good so far.

Grace from Camp Patton fame said this protein powder was good, and since she looks amazing after having ten kids, I'm going to try it!

Phil has been keeping his eye on a Samsung TV Frame and the price is pretty low right now...maybe that's a good family Christmas gift?

And I wish I would have bought these Echo Pops at ONLY $17.99 right now, but alas we already have one in almost every area of our house.  

Any good deals you were excited to find?


  1. I knew it was Prime Day, but talked myself out of buying a few things. I've never seen an Echo Pop and will admit I'm intrigued.

    1. Good for you! My kids look forward to Prime Day and then I get suckered in :)

  2. Check out Xero shoes--they're barefoot shoes (wide toe box, zero drop). Cheaper alternative is Whitin shoes.

    1. I looked at those, very interesting! I have been running in more cushioned sneakers lately.

    2. Cushion doesn't allow proprioception nor encourage feet to strengthen (which affect back and hips). Here's a resource on the benefits of wearing shoes that have wide toe box and zero drop

  3. I avoided prime day. Well in truth I did not realize it was happening and I am glad. You got some good deals. I'll have to remember it for next year. Start a list and plan it out.


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