Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Eight is Great and Our Baby is Growing Up

Our caboose is eight years old!  

Brendan may be little, but he has an old soul and always seems a bit older than his age to me.  He is very aware, whip smart, and can be a tiny tyrant at times.  Like most babies of the family I suppose ;)  He has a lot of big siblings to keep up with and learn from, and it definitely shows.  His love language is still physical touch and I hope he never stops giving out hugs, especially when he sits in between Phil and I and puts his little hands behind our backs.  He's empathetic and the first to ask how somebody is feeling, or if something hurts.  Brendan has the cutest little embarrassed smile when you praise him, and loves learning new things.  One of his birthday gifts was that he could start taking piano lessons, and he was thrilled!  He's been trying to teach himself and seems to have a knack for it, so I think he will pick it up really quick.  He is a HUGE reader (currently reading The Land of Stories series) and hoping to make it on the fall swim team this year.  He's the second youngest kid in his class but more than ready to start 3rd grade.  The kids think he's my current favorite child, and they might just be right. Kidding, kidding, but he is hard not to love!

First piano lesson with Xander on the left and the teacher on the right.

Last day being seven, at the beach with big waves in Newport, RI.

Waking up on his 8th birthday, reminding us all in case we've missed his daily countdown.

Phil took the birthday boy and some siblings to Supercharged Entertainment in Wrentham, MA to play on his actual birthday.  They had tons of fun!

For dinner Brendan chose chinese food and for dessert - The Ice Cream Cottage!  See why I love him so much?  No cooking!

He got lots of cool gifts such as boxer briefs (he wanted to be like the big boys), a digital camera, reusable water balloons, a watch, a book, a kite, a puppy night light (to read by), and a new water bottle.

Happy 8th birthday, Brendan Joseph.  We all love you so much!  

I hope you get to be a dermatologist or an architect one day but more importantly I hope you get to Heaven and when I watch you pray the rosary or serve Mass, I know you are well on your way.  You always tell me I'm the "second best mom" after Mary, of course and you love Jesus and the saints, aspiring to be another St. Brendan in heaven.  You are a good and loyal friend, a bright student, and my brain when I can't remember something.  You love adventures and games and bring home shells and sticks and flowers as gifts.  You are an absolute delight even when you're sassy and we thank God for you every day.


  1. Oh Brendan. Happy Birthday dude! 8 really is great!!

  2. Aw, happy birthday to your Brendan. He sounds like such a delight. Love how he calls you the second best mom. I bet he will be such a great piano player. Love the pic on him on the last day of being 7. What a cutie!

  3. Happy eighth birthday to your sweet Brendan! I love his old soul and his beautiful smile!

  4. Awwww! Happy birthday to your baby!

  5. Happy birthday to Brendan. He's such a cutie and sounds like one awesome kid!


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