Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Forced Family Fun Fall Festivities

Thank goodness this weekend had an extra day in it because we were busy with some Forced Family Fun time :)  

We finally got around to buying some mums and pumpkins after realizing a day at the pumpkin patch was improbable due to schedules this year.  We set these up on our front steps and I added some solar lanterns that look really cool (I'm going to get two more for our back steps).

On Saturday, Phil took the big kids to the Ice Cream Cottage to clean and close up for the winter, and me and my minions did some cleaning of our own.  Those chairs were in need of a scrub down!  Everybody worked hard and deserved some fun!

On Sunday, we drove down to the Cape and went to Ocean Edge in Brewster, where they had an Oktoberfest celebration going on each evening.  This place is crazy expensive to stay at during the summer months, so we like to come off-season like the fiscally responsible people we are.

Lots of games were played in the pool while we had it to ourselves before all the "randos" came.  My kids are just not fond of randos or what a normal person might call strangers.  I can remember back when I was a wee lass, we had an Irish quote hanging in our shop that read "There are no strangers here, only friends you haven't yet met."  Somehow between my childhood and my kids childhood, strangers became dangers and not potential friends.  It's a sad reality and yet they are wise to be wary.

We were playing tag in the pool, and I declared a spot on the stairs as "gools" and my kids didn't know what I was talking about.  Phil called it "base" and then they were like "oh you mean home" or "that's called safe".  I seriously was questioning my memory but I looked it up and "gool" is indeed a Northern (specifically Massachusetts) word for a safe spot, derivative of the word goal.  What do you call it??

"Ooooh they have crotchet!  Let's go play crotchet!"

~ Said a Martin child far too old to mispronounce croquet.

It was a nice and needed family time away.  A retreat if you will.  On our way back home, we stopped for lunch with a birthday gift certificate Phil had and also went to a bookstore and let the youngest three kids each pick out a book.  Xander's choice, Declan's choice, Brendan's choice (inspired by Madeline's recommendation).  The books came in handy during the extra long car ride because there was tons of traffic going off Cape as if it were summer.  This is when the tunnel pass comes in handy ;)

On Monday evening, Eamon's soccer team had their Senior Night and so we all went to support our favorite senior!

They lost but he's still a winner to us.  It was truly heartwarming to hear all of the nice things Coach said at the dinner about Eamon in terms of his character, leadership and work ethic on and off the field.

Brothers gotta cuddle

Eamon's godparents (my sister and her husband) came too!

Eamon had his cousin sneak up behind with flowers while I was taking pictures of him with his girlfriend.  Then he handed the flowers to Ellie and asked her to Homecoming.  She said yes :)

She's so adorably surprised

And now we have a short week ahead and it just got cold here (in the 40s when we woke up today) but we are seeing how long we can hold off on turning on the heat!  Is your heat on yet?


  1. Turned the heat on last night. Sigh. Goodbye, long summer!

    What a fun weekend getaway! I am most impressed by all the photos of all the kids together, all smiling. What kind of magic spell do you have to cast to get them ALL looking cute and cheerful EVERY TIME?!

    I have never heard of "gool" before. I think "home base" or "safe" were the terms we used in tag-style games. Regional dialect is so fun to learn!

    The Wild Robot series is a favorite of my daughter's. I hope Brendan enjoys the book!

    1. The magic spell: "Nobody smile. Okay SMILE!" *snap* Haha, they're very well trained and know the faster I get a good shot, the faster they can get going :)

  2. Awww. That is just the cutest way to ask someone to Homecoming!
    Looks like a great trip. I got a chuckle out of ""Ooooh they have crotchet! Let's go play crotchet!" ~ Said a Martin child far too old to mispronounce croquet.

    1. I was impressed he still officially asked her even though they've been dating awhile! Never assume, I suppose!

  3. I heartily approve of all three book choices to be honest! And a fun little forced family fun weekend!

    It also got cold here overnight but no, we have not turned our heat on. Put on a sweatshirt and some socks!

  4. No heat turned on here- though 34°f outside this morning. The kids did turn on a space heater last night to take the edge off going to bed. Frost tonight! Thank goodness autumn has finally arrived. Glad you all had a nice night away- you worked hard all summer!

    1. That's exactly what it was meant to be, a little thank you for the summer hard work. 34 already? Fall is just nonexistent!


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