Well, my first and probably last half marathon is in an hour and a half. And I am shaking with nerves! I feel like I am waiting for my wedding to start! I wish that the race had started at 8am so that I wouldn't have so much time to kill. Who wants to run 13.1 miles at 11am? I'd rather be done running by 11, relaxing and having a big lunch!
The weather for today is GORGEOUS!! It is currently sunny with a slight breeze and about 60 degrees. Unheard of for this race, it is usually cold, windy and rainy.
I awoke this morning to a lovely surprise from my Aunt Flow, she has great timing that one. She paid me a visit on the morning of my wedding day, so why should today be any different?!?!?!
We woke up around 6 am, as usual, and gave the kids breakfast. I texted my running guru, Bethany, and got some last minute advice including: to stop obsessing about needing to go to the bathroom mid-race, to relax, and to have Phil tape his nipples. Pretty great advice, dontcha think?
We drank some coffee, ate some scones with peanut butter, and began cleaning the house. I keep comparing this race to having a baby, you know...it's exciting, going to be painful, but worth it in the end...so I must be nesting. I vacuumed, mopped, did the dishes and tidied up while Phil took care of the bathroom, laundry, trash, and keeping the kids occupied. We should probably have been resting, but I wanted to leave with a clean house in case I didn't make it home alive ;)
Then I decided to take a shower. Crazy, right, who showers before they exercise? Well, I thought that if I fall (which I have before) and have to get rushed to the ER, they should at least not have to suffer though seeing my hairy legs. See, I'm thoughtful like that!!
Now we are waiting for my parents to come and babysit so we can get settled in at the race, drink some Gatorade, stretch, etc. Wish me luck!! I really really need it :)