Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Secret Talent #1

Pretty much only my immediate family knows I can do this...


  1. Shoot! My volume isn't working.

    Rest assured, I'll be back to listen. I'm pretty sure you are singing Ice,Ice Baby and I think it's gonna be hysterical :)

    OH, I've gotta come back for this....tehe....

  2. HAAHAAA!!! YES!!! And that, ladies, is how you land a man :)

    Seriously, that was awesome!!

  3. Uh, not anymore!!!

    That was great!!!

  4. Ha! Loved that! You've got some mad skillz.

  5. HA! Kam was looking over my shoulder saying, "Why that girl sounds like a boy?" You are very talented, Colleen!

  6. Oh Colleen.....I.love.it. I am grinning from ear to ear and laughing SO HARD. As soon as I turned it on, the kids came running. They don't know the song (although it is one of my old favs!!), but enjoyed it too. Kept asking, is that Martin Family Moments? Is that Colleen? I love the ending and Xander's look on his face! Totally busted!!

    Can't wait for you to share more talents with us!

  7. HILARIOUS! That was flippin' awesome! I am totally going to learn those words someday!!!

  8. Okay, Colleen, you have totally missed your calling in accounting and that's all I'm going to say about that. Well, maybe one more thing; you've got guts!

  9. LOVE it! That.was.awesome!

  10. Yes, but can you shank people on command??
    YOU are so darn funny!!! I love this video....and secretly, I love this song. Don't tell anyone.
    You cracked me up tonight...thanks for that!!
    ice ice baby...to go...


  11. YES, Merry Christmas to me!! That is quite possibly the best thing I've seen on the internet in two days!! Mopsy and Baby sat here with me and watched the whole thing -- they couldn't stop! lol.

    I think we should start a series called "secret talents" and make videos of the crazy stuff that we do but no one knows about - that's fit for a family blog, of course ;-)

    cookin' mcs like a pound of bacon . . .

  12. So, I'm back to admit that we watched this video a few times and I LOLed every time I thought of it yesterday! Crack.me.up.

    Just had to let you know that you totally made my week and brightened my day yesterday!

  13. Oh my gosh, I'm laughing so hard. Thank you for posting...talk about holiday cheer..Hehe!

  14. I saw this come up after your recent alphabet talent and had to come find this post to comment. Genius! You are a musical genius. That is all.


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