Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Splish Splash!


  1. I just wanted to say that with my other kid's bath pictures, we had to strategically place a washcloth or something to cover up certain *areas* but Xander's belly is so big that it covers all the goodies. Could he be the biggest baby ever? 7 months and 24 pounds :)

  2. Hehehe laughing at that comment. On the one post a while back you mentioned someOnes statistics and compared to my kids your other kids seem small all around so Alexander must be quite a shock then comparatively to you. But yeah at 7 months I do think that's big. I don't think Any of mine were that much at 7 mos.

    But he really is cute tho.

    You could probably use him as arm muscle exercises every time you pick him up.

  3. The big belly makes the bath pictures even cuter! I love babies in the tub!

  4. I dunno Colleen... Ava may catch up to him. She's already 19+ lbs at 5 1/2 months. They can be a cute chubby old married couple.

    He's such a cutie.

  5. I'm laughing at your 'cover up comment'....he is just a little rolly polly and I love him that way. I'm sure you do too.
    I miss those 'giving baths', I can't come 20 feet front them while they are changing clothes!

  6. Oh, my goodness, love the chubbs!!!! he's just adorable!!!

  7. He is adorably chubby and HUGE!!!! I love his chubby little belly!!!

  8. I was thinking the same thing, Colleen!

    How do you not hug and squish that sweet little boy ...TO DEATH!

    oh man..he is adorable.


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