Friday, April 27, 2012

7 Quick Takes Friday: Phone Photo/Video Dump

1) What's up with the price of gas (in Maryland) last week?  It's $3.68 here today.  Just another reason to move to Massachusetts :)

2) We had ice cream with Xander's godfather, Fr. Jay.  Every Spring I miss my parent's homemade ice cream store they ran for twenty years on Cape Cod.  I wish we could have taken it over...

3) John-Paul's zip line injuries from Cari's house.  He was tough about it in front of his future wife Lotus, but he was pretty scraped up. 

4) Xander asleep in the stroller wearing his "Little Brothers are Awesome" shirt and holding his favorite teething toy. He just turned 9 months old yesterday, weighing in at 27 pounds 30.5 inches tall.  And yes, little brothers are awesome.  I highly recommend adding one to your family.

5) I posted this stealthily one night, and I don't know if many people saw it.  I know everybody thinks their baby is the cutest, and they are!!  But watch his newest trick:

What else can we teach him to do at this age?  He's so eager to learn!  Maybe sign language?

6) This is a picture of the chapel at my work/school.  I wish the lights were on so you could see the gorgeous Easter decorations, but you can get an idea of what I am so blessed to have right around the corner from my office!

7) Alexander gets his ear tubes on Monday!  He went for a hearing test this morning and passed with flying colors, but the doctor who will be doing the surgery took a look in his ears and said "Whoa, he definitely needs tubes." Um, yeah, duh, that's what we have been telling you for months and months. 

Have a great weekend everybody!!


  1. OH MY GOSH! Poor John Paul! I will be sure to extol his manly pain threshold to Lotus.

    1. Ha! He told me "I don't like getting hurt but I love telling my friends the stories of how I got hurt!"

  2. I have a friend who lived in MD for a while, (a long time ago) and she said it was expensive to live there...I guess it's still true!

    Xander, you are the cutest!!! Signs would be great, you can look up those Signing Times videos on Youtube I think....I'd teach you but you are too far away!! (my sister is deaf)

    Love his hair coming in, it's so dark!!

    Do they need to put him out to put those tubes in? Prayers Monday for him!!!

    1. We do have the Signing Times videos, I need to pull those out because then my big kids will remember the signs and teach Xander for me! Ha!

      And yes, he needs to be sedated for the surgery. Thanks for the prayers!

  3. Gas is just as much here.

    1. Ouch. Filling up Phil's big van costs us just over $100. Double ouch.

  4. If you want to do some sign language, there is an app for iPhone and iPad called "Baby Sign." It is free, but if you want more signs you have to "Unlock Signs' which means you pay for them. But I think it is totally worth it. I've learned quite a few and started using them with the boys and it is working out well. Your older kids would like it too. What I really like is I'm not overwhelmed with signs I won't use. These all apply to babies and toddlers.

    1. Natalie, that's a great tip for an app...and now that I finally have a smart phone, I can get it!!

  5. Those are some serious injuries! My boys are also the bravest in front of the little ladies they will someday marry!

    You baby is sooooo precious!

  6. I guess my second comment didn't make it through. I have been having a hard time commenting here btw for whatever reason. Anyway -- that t shirt could go either way. Either he is the little brother or he is getting a little brother hmmm. Just joking. But maybe you could save it for when / if that day comes.

    My boys want a little brother. And yes they think boys are awesome.

    We have a suburban and it's over 100 to fill it here. I would think those vans would be even more than 100. How many gallon tank? The suburban is like 35 gallon tank. Obviously after this baby we don't fit in any normal cars any more. But we haven't taken the van plunge yet.

  7. Gas prices stress me out-glad I don't have to look at them every day or I'd go nuts. Yes, I'm that close to crazy ;)
    How is it that every time you mention your parents' ice cream shop I c-r-a-v-e it badly? This is coming from the mama who hasn't had an inkling toward ice cream in two years. I guess the two little girls just really turned me against it...which is sad....and yet, good too. I bet everyone loved your family ice cream shop! I know I would've.
    Blessings to little Xander on Monday. I'll be praying.

    Ok, question...How are you getting the reply thing to turn out this way on comments when you reply? Do you have a different new blogger or are your settings different? When I reply on my blog it just shows my face and name like all other comments. Just curious. Hmmm....

  8. 27 pounds???? That's one cute chunk of burnin love.

  9. When I used to nanny, I had a baby that used baby signs and I was always fascinated by it!

    LOVE the touchdown trick (and that's coming from a girl who hates football :P).


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