Wow this week flew by! Today I am spending the day at home with my five bambinos because they have no school. Yay for long weekends and more family time :)
Every Tuesday night for the past couple of months, this is what I look at for half an hour while Eamon gets his speech therapy. The speech therapist has three littles herself, and plays games with him the whole time. She says he is really improving, but I don't hear much difference. He still has a lisssshhhp, but he loves staying up late one night a week and having alone time with me. What a cutie.
Last weekend, Phil and I got to go on a date while our awesome babysitter was home on Spring Break from Franciscan We went to a restaurant where they serve amazing seafood, and met up with some friends like real adults.
You know how everyone loves to give advice to married couples that they need to schedule and prioritize dates? Do you all do that? I do so love our date nights, and all we usually do is go grab a bite to eat and come home 2 or 3 hours later. Does anyone really go out every single week? Or do you just have in house dates like us?
On the menu for lunch today.
I love tuna so much that Fridays during Lent aren't a real sacrifice for me at all. I could eat seafood 5 nights a week if only anybody else in my house would eat it too.
The weather outside is frightful. Not springy at all, and I just bought polo shirts for my boys and a sleeveless dress for Maggie (all color coordinated, of course!) for Easter.
I found these pictures of when
Marijanna and family came to visit. I think we all want a baby girl in the Martin house, so she should just leave Clara with us :)
Xander and Ava stole smooches whenever possible:
Good kitty:
After all the buzz, Phil and I are going to watch Argo this weekend. Hopefully it'll be good, sometimes me and the award shows don't see eye-to-eye.
Have another snowy weekend (if you live near me anyway)!!
Spring where art thou?
(Go see
Jen and friends for more)