Thursday, May 1, 2014

He Said, She Said

This morning, it was pouring outside.  We also woke up to a child who had wet their bed, and had a leak in our ceiling.  When it pours, it rains.  Phil threw the wet sheets and pj's in the wash, and put a towel and a bucket on the couch under the leak to catch the water before running out the door to work.  What a man.  Alexander saw the bucket and said "Oh, today it's just raining inside the house?"  Basically, yes.

When I was breastfeeding John-Paul all those years ago, it would drive me absolutely crazy when someone would ask to hold him, then as soon as he started crying, say "He must be hungry!"  I would take back that baby that I knew wasn't hungry because I had just fed him, and complain to Phil later.  I don't even know why this bothered me so much back then, but I guess it felt like they were telling me, a new mother, that I didn't know what he needed.  Fast forward to the 6th baby, and I'm a lot thicker skinned and less needy for validation on motherhood.  John-Paul, now 11, was sitting next to Declan in the car the other day, and Declan started crying.  John-Paul said "I think he's hungry" and Phil, knowing how much this (used to) bother me replies "He's not hungry!!"  I added, in my postpartum haze, "It's ok John-Paul, he's a baby. They cry.  He's not hungry because I just ate him".

We have a large canvas photo of the four kids at Disney World in 2011.  It's one of my favorite Maggie moments.  Anyway, Alexander likes to look at the picture and the kids tell him that's when they went to see Mickey Mouse, and all the other characters.  Alexander says "I want to go!" and things get dicey.  The other day, Xander looked up at that picture, put his hands on his toddler hips and said "Hmmph.  I still not in that picture!"

Last week, we were all on our way to a medical supply store to get a new breast pump for me because my old one isn't able to function on batteries anymore.  On the way to the store (with all the kids - why are we such gluttons for punishment?) they kept asking what we were going to get.  Phil was just trying to be vague so we didn't have to explain the ins and outs of my breast milk production, said "We're just going to get something for Mom."  Of course, as soon as the kids realized he was being vague, they knew he was withholding information, and that means there's a secret to be found out!  They kept asking, and so I just said "We're getting a breast pump."  To which Maggie replied, "Oh, yeah, my friend at school has one of those.  She's allergic to sugar."


  1. Breastfeeding pump. Insulin pump. They're practically the same thing. Right?

  2. Oh my goodness... that is just hilarious.

  3. I totally read that as, 'had wet their bed and it leaked through the ceiling' and I was like, 'how much pee can a kid have?'. Then I re-read. Sorry about all things.

  4. haha! Our washing machine is getting repaired, so naturally both kids wet their beds. I always hated when people would tell me my babies were hungry, too, and it seemed that it always happened after she spent the better part of an hour eating and I had finally gotten a break. Oh, and that Disney pic is hilarious. :)

    1. Ah Francine! That happened to me this morning and I blessed the sweet person who invented washing machines, but cursed the mattress people for not coming up with waterproof options.

  5. I still get the question, 'are they hungry' and 'are they tired' all the time from others pertaining to my two year old and my eleven month old. Even if they just ate and took a nap, it never fails someone will ask me that.

    At our house, the day I change the sheets, someone usually wets the bed.

  6. Love the breast pump one! My oldest who is almost 4… will see my pumping and ask "Mama are you pumping up your Mimis?" I just nod and go about my pumping business.

  7. heehee! maggie knows all! ;)

  8. I read often and pretty much never comment. I just wanted to tell you your family is one of my favorites in the blog world!

  9. We woke up to a leaky ceiling the other morning too. Nothing like being woken up by the sound of "plink, plink, plink". Water anywhere is the worst!

  10. Um, yes! It drives me beyond bonkers when people say, they must be hungry! Beyond. Um, no, I've just fed that baby for five hours straight he can last twenty minutes between feeds thanks. Haha, oh dear, some breastfeeding rage right there.

  11. I second Christy's sentiments! When I was a very new mom MM started crying when I took her somewhere and people were all "ohh she's hungry" then I nursed her (so naive to go against mother's instinct) and she spit up her whole stomach's contents on me, so NO people, she wasn't hungry... I tried that.

  12. Yup, it's always "they must be hungry" and then they get a little older and it's "someone missed their nap today" or some other such silliness. Umhm, cuz I just fell off the new mommy truck and don't know nothin' about my own kids. Grr.

    That is MY fav pic of your family too. I smile any time you post it. Gianna asks a lot lately when she sees an old photo "where was I?" or "I wasn't here yet." But then it's like she wants an explanation why she wasn't here or in the photos. Toddlers, they keep us on our toes.

    Maggie, Maggie, you are just wise beyond your years. You always crack me up.


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