I've seen some sweet gestures lately that remind me that most people are nice. If you're looking for encouragement about the state of our world, read on....
When Andrew was in 2nd grade (6 years ago) he made a valentine for one of the young ladies who worked in his after-school program. We left that school a couple of years later, and wouldn't you know that the same young lady ended up becoming the preschool teacher at his new school? Now Andrew is in 8th grade, and this week she sent me this message:
"Mrs. X and I were just talking about how wonderful Andrew is, and I remembered this sweet Valentine from him way back in the day!"
This isn't a tale of Andrew's sweetness (though he sure was!) but rather of somebody thinking a kind thought about one of my children and actually reaching out to tell me. So many times I think about how wonderful somebody is but don't go the next step to let them know. Gotta change that!