Wednesday, September 28, 2022

A Tale of Two "Sisters"

Almost eleven years ago, I took my cutie-patootie four year old Maggie to get her first American Girl doll with my little sister and her two daughters.  I wasn't 100% positive back then, but I had a strong hunch that Maggie would be my only daughter.  When she was born, we had chosen her name to be Margaret Rose but before making it official, I had a little moment of panic and realized that if she was our only girl, I wanted to include Mary in her name to honor Our Lady.  That's how she became Margaret Rosemary and my prediction of her being the only girl seems to have come true *she types hesitantly knowing that things can still happen at the ripe old age of 43*.  

Being sandwiched in between so many boys has made Maggie awesome in so many ways, but she still prayed for a baby girl every time I was pregnant.  It just wasn't meant to be!  Luckily, she is able to call those two female cousins (one older and one younger) her "sisters" and has been following in the path of her older cousin her whole life.  They went to the same schools, played the same sports, danced Irish Step together, push themselves to be top of the class, and enjoy being around each other as much as possible.  Just like her big cousin, Maggie was asked to play up to the Varsity Volleyball team as a freshman after their middle hitter got injured.  Our whole family was there in full support of her first game, and she killed it!  Both Maggie and her cousin even got a shoutout in the local paper from that game.  She now practices with Varsity and plays for JV since their hitter came back, and she is loving life.  

Look at those sweet girlies...

...turned into killer volleyball players!

I thank God every single day for the friendship between my kids and their cousins, something I never had as my cousins all lived far away, but especially for Maggie's "sisters" who surround her as good influencers and best friends.  God certainly provides.


  1. God didn't give Maggie any biological sisters but he definitely answered her prayers!

  2. Gah! I remember when you went into the city for that trip. I cannot believe how grown up she is. I am so glad for her to have a cousin/sister in her life.

  3. This “ripe old age of 43” mama is 24 weeks pregnant with number 8… happens!

    1. Congrats!!! My mom was almost 43 when she had her 6th baby, my younger sister and the mom of the girl in this tale :)

  4. Their faces are so very sweet in the little girl photo. Love it. I love that my kids have such great friendships with so many of their cousins too. Some live far away, but there are loads that live nearby. They all have many memories together. I look forward to watching their relationships as they grow into adults. I could count my cousins on one hand when I was growing up, so it is a wonder to me.

    Maggie is one lucky girl. Congrats to her on her volleyball skills.

    1. Thanks Ernie...she's good for New England standards, but probably not midwest standards, based on my Indiana friends who played!


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