Thursday, August 31, 2023

First Day(s) of School(s)

I usually look forward to these first days of school so much, but this year seems emotionally hard to take.  I think it might be because I feel like summer was really busy with the opening of the ice cream shop, and we weren't able to spend much time off together.  Normally we use the summer to plan a vacation or retreat for the family, as Phil and I both work in education and can't easily take time off through the school year.  But this year there was no Catholic Family Land or Lake Winnipesaukee or even a family beach day like in years past.  As a mom of children of many ages, I know all too well how fast the years go and I feel heavily on my heart the missed opportunities of making fun memories together.  

On the bright side, opening the shop gave us a lot of time working alongside each other, and we truly spent more time together than ever.  The kids all grew so much from the added responsibilities and new experiences of working and running the shop.  Owning a business gives kids an education they can't learn elsewhere, and we dreamed of this for so long that I can't help but be grateful.

Sadness and joy.  Guilt and pride.  Letting them grow and letting them go.  A mother's heart in a nutshell.

Ok Colleen, knock it off and get on with it already!

Here's to the 2023-2024 School Year, or as I say at work, Fiscal Year 24!

Two in College:

John-Paul is starting his Senior Year at Franciscan University.  He is majoring in Biology and will take a gap year after graduation, in order to work in patient care before applying to Medical schools and/or PA schools.

Andrew is a Freshman at Franciscan University, majoring in Biology and (hopefully) playing soccer.  Of course, he sent me a picture with two thumbs up, his usual photo pose.  I'll update his medical story tomorrow.

Two in High School:

Eamon is starting his Junior year in high school, playing Varsity Soccer and dying to get his cast off in a few weeks.  We may have realized how much he has grown over the summer when he put on his uniform pants - whoops!

Maggie is beginning Sophomore year in high school, playing Varsity Volleyball and has been counting down the days for the season to start.  She is mortified that her homeroom is in Phil's classroom and praying that he is not her homeroom teacher, but the teacher who was supposed to be her homeroom teacher just resigned so all her fears may come true today.

Three in Elementary/Middle School:

Alexander is in 7th grade, joining the swim team at the YMCA, and can't wait to get braces on in September.

Declan is in 4th grade, playing soccer in a more competitive league this year, and is so excited that Haley is not only the school's new principal but also his interim 4th grade teacher until a new one is hired.

Brendan is in 2nd grade, playing soccer but begging us for flute lessons and to sign him back up for gymnastics (we took a break this summer).

Phil is teaching high school Theology for the 21st year (!!) and continues to be the Department Chair as well as the Director of Religious Ed for our parish. 

I am starting my 3rd year as the District Accountant for public schools and counting down until the ice cream shop closes on Columbus Day and we can go back to our regular program of busyness :)

Happy School Year to all of you!  May the good Lord keep us in the palm of His hands.


  1. A blessed start to the school year!! Eamon really had a growth spurt! I bet he's happy about that!

  2. I like the photos. So many smiles. I went to public school so we didn't have uniforms which add a certain authority to each photo. It's fun to see them all.

    1. Thank you, they are generally very happy kids and we are so thankful for that :)

  3. So I looked back and it seems like John-Paul is finishing up college in 3 years. I would love to hear more about how he did it and how it is going doing it like that. Do you think your other kids will try to do the same?

    1. I should write a post about this, maybe have him write his thoughts too! Our second son will not finish in 3 years but maybe the next couple will? Stay tuned!

  4. Love the update on where everyone is in school. Great photos.

    I think you need to give yourself a break. I am ALWAYS amazed at all that you squeeze in with the kids while you work. You are too hard on yourself. They are thrilled with a great the ice cream shop. You'll organize a family vacation at some point. The year you opened an ice cream shop? Epic year, but just not one to take a vacation.

    1. Your comment has been running through my brain all weekend, so thank you!!

  5. Working in the family shop together: that is priceless, an experience few kids get to experience. The summer memories of that will be as special as vacation memories. ❤️

    I love your little grotto!! ✝️🙏🏻💖

    1. I think it's an experience they will certainly treasure in the future (I know my siblings and I did) but maybe not so much in the current ;)


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