Tuesday, April 23, 2024

What's Your Most Popular Post?

 I'm in a bit of a writing funk currently, one could say a funk in general, but that mostly has to do with the black eye I developed after the Mohs Surgery on my face.  I'm praying it heals by Friday night when we have a fancy schmancy school fundraising event to attend.  But that's enough boohooing for me!  OK just one more.



Anyways, I thought it might be fun for you all to check your own blogs and leave the link in the comments below to your most read post of all time (or maybe the one you think is the most popular if you don't know how to check those stats).

Here's mine: If Only

I look forward to reading your most popular posts while this case of writer's block passes :)

I'll post the comments here so the links work easily!

From Elisabeth: 

Well, isn't this funny because your guest post on my blog is my most-read post. https://optimisticmusings.com/guest-post-welcome-colleen. My recent name post might be the post that has elicited the most comment action? https://optimisticmusings.com/whats-in-a-name

From Dixie:

My most popular recent post was about C.S. Lewis and reading for young teens: https://thehollow.substack.com/p/introducing-children-to-mature-reading

From Jennifer:

My most popular post is my big list of free nature lore books. It makes the librarian in me happy to share book lists: https://bookishfamily.blogspot.com/2018/05/best-free-nature-lore-books.html

From Busy Bee Suz:


From Life of a Doctor's Wife:

My most visited post is this one: https://lifeofadoctorswife.wordpress.com/2012/06/26/joan-vs-joanne/
The post that generated the most comments was this one: https://lifeofadoctorswife.wordpress.com/2011/03/02/it-may-be-best-if-we-all-just-pretend-this-post-never-happened/

From Laura Pearl:


From Ernie:


I have no idea how to figure out which one has been the most popular. I'm sharing that one, because it had the most comments of recent posts. I'm also gonna share this once, because this is a story that still makes me die laughing.


From Ally Bean:

My most popular post is: Comment Confidential: The Perks And Pitfalls Of Reaching Out To Newfound Bloggers


From Kate:

Here's my most popular post -- it was right after we moved to Rome so lots of extended family and friends were very interested in our escapades!



  1. Oh wow, that is very funny! I remember being very emo (as the kids would say) when I wrote that post. My second most read post was written shortly after that one, so I guess I need to get into my feelings again to start writing :)

  2. My most popular recent post was about C.S. Lewis and reading for young teens: https://thehollow.substack.com/p/introducing-children-to-mature-reading
    Which was kind of surprising to me, as books are only one part of what I write about! But it hit a nerve.
    I enjoyed your "if only" post!

    1. That post is so good and I agree, it is so hard to find appropriate books for that pre-teen and even teen range. My husband teaches theology to high schoolers, and he has them read Mere Christianity! He's a big CS Lewis and Peter Kreeft fan. I'll have to go back and read through the comments to get other book recs, thanks!

    2. Oh, thanks, Colleen! I'm really glad you liked it!

  3. My most popular post is my big list of free nature lore books. It makes the librarian in me happy to share book lists: https://bookishfamily.blogspot.com/2018/05/best-free-nature-lore-books.html

    1. I love a good book list! I almost never read a book unless it's been recomended to me :)

  4. I loved the post you linked! This resonates with so many of us.
    Hmmm....let me see what mine is.
    This one gets a lot of hits, even thought it didn't have a ton of comments. I think it comes up in search engines for some reason.

    1. Hmmm who's searching for Gravel Gertie?? Haha!

  5. It was fun to revisit old posts! My most visited post is this one: https://lifeofadoctorswife.wordpress.com/2012/06/26/joan-vs-joanne/

    The post that generated the most comments was this one: https://lifeofadoctorswife.wordpress.com/2011/03/02/it-may-be-best-if-we-all-just-pretend-this-post-never-happened/

    1. I remember chuckling through your most visited post! It is interesting how some posts become popular but don't get a lot of comments and vice versa.

  6. I love the post of yours that you picked! I remember that one, and it is so, so poignant and true. I enjoy all your posts, but when you get emo...whoah!

    I am overwhelmed by trying to pick a post, my archives are so crowded. And I'm not sure which were the most read or liked. But these are two of my favorites. (And they've gotten about 600 hits apiece, which is an amazing amount for my blog. Usually, I'm lucky if I get 100. :)


    1. I remember reading that social media post and was struggling with the Instagram habit, which I thankfully gave up for years before I got it again for the ice cream shop. I am so happy to use it soooooo much less now and have less of everybody else's worries on my mind!

  7. http://www.nosmallfeetblog.com/2023/11/have-me-met.html

    I have no idea how to figure out which one has been the most popular. I'm sharing that one, because it had the most comments of recent posts. I'm also gonna share this once, because this is a story that still makes me die laughing.


    I look forward to reading the post you shared. I'm not in a writing funk, but I am in a funk in general. Several different things are weighing on me and I'm having a day when nothing feels easy, you know? I woke up hours before my alarm, which hasn't happened in a while and I think a lack of sleep is causing my usual 'I've got this' spunk to fade. Great idea for a post!

    1. Oh no, you need that spunk back ASAP!! Your posts always make me laugh!

  8. This is a good idea, I look forward to reading these!

  9. My most popular post is: Comment Confidential: The Perks And Pitfalls Of Reaching Out To Newfound Bloggers


    It's the only post I've ever had to close the comments on early because I couldn't talk about this topic anymore. People had opinions, oh yes they did.

    1. I remember this post Ally! Gosh, you had almost 400 comments before closing, that's amazing. People love to give their opinion (myself included) heehee.

  10. I'm late to the party here but this is such a great idea and so fun to read through other's posts! And oh my goodness, your If Only post -- I need to print it out and re-read it every year! Thank you for sharing your wisdom!

    Here's my most popular post -- it was right after we moved to Rome so lots of extended family and friends were very interested in our escapades!


    1. It has been so fun to read the posts I missed! Your adventures to Rome were really awesome to read :)


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