Friday, January 31, 2025

Week in Review: January's Done, Science Fair Won, Fattening Up a Skinny One

Happy Last Friday of January!  For anyone participating in a Dry January, or Whole30 or Gluten Free January - you made it!!  And yes I am patting myself on the back there, as Phil and JP and I have successfully given up gluten for this last month (minus the eggo waffle I absentmindedly ate one morning when really sick and totally forgot about gluten).  

JP has had really good results going GF including less bloating and he's also lost a good chunk of weight between eating better and his job as an ER Tech which gets him lots of steps and then he goes to the gym straight from work.  Phil and I have been eating too many chips and chocolate to have lost much weight but I think I feel less bloated overall, like I don't have days when I feel gross/stuffed.  I absolutely hate that feeling and try to never overeat so as to avoid it.  The real test will come tomorrow when we introduce gluten back in.  I'm dreaming of a cheeseburger on a brioche roll.  One addition to my diet that I want to keep is eating Oats Overnight for breakfast.  It feels like a luxury to pick a flavor each night, shake it up with unsweetened almond milk, and grab it in the morning.  Yum!  Plus oatmeal = good for my cholesterol levels.

Are you tired of hearing about gluten?  Me too, moving on.

Alexander went ahead and won 3rd place for his 8th grade science fair project which means he is supposed to compete at the regional science fair in a month... which happens to be the same day as their huge end-of-season swim meet.  Dude, we said just get an A.  Kidding, kidding (kinda) we are very proud of him.  

After 14 science fair projects, we finally cracked the code on how to set up a trifold board with ease.  The secret is in creating documents with the perfect dimensions and background colors and borders that get printed at Staples, instead of printing a whole bunch of papers and cutting and cropping and placing on construction paper.  

Old way of creating the board:

New way of creating the board:

My my how he's grown in a year!

JP decided he needed a new hobby (can you tell he misses his friends at college?) and started whittling wood.  I don't even know.

Andrew had a great time going to the March for Life last weekend.  He stayed at a friend's house with 20 other guys/gals and on Friday night, the family graciously hosted all the Franciscan students who were in the area for the March, which meant there were about 80 kids!  The parents are also Franciscan alumni and the dad's dad was actually my business teacher at FUS back in the day.  It's a lovely small Franny world.

It's Catholic Schools Week and we had a major parenting fail when we didn't even register that there was a Parent Picnic on Monday, where parents can bring lunch to their kids and eat with them.  Our kids ended up sitting with friends but man did I feel guilty.  I'm not sure how other parents manage to leave work and eat with their kids in the middle of the day, but they do and we didn't.  

Today was Dress like Your Future Career Day and Brendan put on an Ice Cream Cottage shirt and hat (his idea!) while Declan put on a Messi jersey because what sports-loving boy doesn't dream of being a hugely successful professional athlete one day?  When we were leaving for school, Brendan said under his breath, "I should have dressed like an architect but I have no idea how architects dress."

Proof that they wore their uniforms to Mass to earn a dress down day pass.

To be shown at Declan's future ordination ;)

Xander swims four days a week, but on the days he doesn't have swim team he likes to go for runs, but on the days it's too cold/icy to run, he pulls out a P90X video and does an hour workout.  I just love that our kids have inherited our love of being active and (trying to be) fit.  Lead by example, they said.

Declan, who has no issue staying active for most of the day, was found sitting still and playing Krypto, a math game our family loves (and an easy way to sharpen math skills!).  I had made pumpkin muffins that morning, and Phil had put a pork shoulder in the crockpot for pulled pork and it was just a dreamy wintery morning scene.

I started buying Carnation Breakfast shakes for Declan to drink at night, as a way to get more calories and nutrients into him.  He is sooooo skinny and is always either starving or full and I worry about his nutrition.  Any tips for fattening up skinny boys who run around all day and would rather graze then eat huge meals are appreciated. 

Lucy Doodle always sits so fancy - more poodle than golden methinks.

This weekend includes a track meet, playoff basketball game, fundraising dinner for Maggie's upcoming mission trip, a kid birthday party, Religious Ed, and volleyball practice.  Phil and I are also hoping to find time for a date in there for those brioche rolls :)  

Have a great weekend welcoming in February everyone!


  1. What flavors of Oats Overnight do you like? I tried it once and I didn't love it. I didn't love the "drinkiness" of it, I want to chew my oatmeal I guess.

    I kinda love JP has decided that whittling is his hobby. Feels like a classic hobby that more people should get into. Way to go Xander! That's impressive! (Even if inconvenient.)

    1. I like the fruity flavors the best - Strawberries & Cream, Blueberry Glazed Donut, etc. JP loves the caffeinated Mocha ones. You can totally put in less milk and eat with a spoon, or even heat up and eat! I like that they have 20 grams of protein and choosing different flavors each day is fun.

  2. I laughed out loud at JP taking up whittling, "I don't even know." Hilarious. Glad you figured out how to print the sheets for the board at long last. We had science fair tonight, and Kay got 2nd. Her name was the first one read and I was so surprised. 2nd? WOW? Then they read off the next 15 names that all got 1st. Then they read off the 7 names that got outstanding. Oh, now the 2nd place made a bit more sense. Then Kay tried to cause a scene (prone to drama), spouting off about how she did the worst. I was like CERTIFICATE, RIBBON, ALL GOOD, SISTA. She doesn't roll that way though, refuses to see the flip side, or just laugh stuff off, so we will have to have a sit down with her AGAIN tomorrow. She's exhausting. Adopt, we said - it'll be amazing, we're great at parenting. Welp, here we are. Exhausted. Kidding, sort of. But everything is fine. Thanks for listening to me vent. Congrats to your regional guy. Way to go. I wanted to be an architect too, so I love Brendan's thought process. Lucy is so fancy. And, congrats for ditching gluten for the month. I hope gluten gets added back in and doesn't wreak havoc. We have a dinner out with Curly's two bestie's parents tomorrow night, and I'm so excited.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. That is crazy that they awarded like that, what a scam. I hope your dinner out was so fun!

  3. My brother was very active and skinny, too, and he was reccomended: eggs, Greek yogurt, olive oil, nuts, avocado, cheese and coconut. I think the most useful tip was the nuts, as they are heavy on calories, but don't make you feel full.

    1. NUTS! Yes great idea, and Declan loves cashews and peanuts, perfect!

  4. Way to go all of you!! I’d have a hard time giving up gluten entirely but I *did* stop my near-nightly habit of snacking on chips after dinner and focused on adding more lean protein & veggies in my daily meals, and go figure, my face is less puffy and I lost 5 lbs!

    Definitely going to steal that posterboard tip for the future. Great job, Xander!

    My nutrition tips come from the opposite end of the lifespan when we are trying to boost calories for frail elderly people, but in general, focusing on high calorie versions of staple foods — full fat salad dressings, nuts, whole milk Greek yogurt, peanut butter, and we say heavy cream in coffee but that’s probably not relevant yet for him! I think the nutritional shakes are a great idea. Definitely refrigerated or even blended with some frozen fruit for taste appeal!

    1. We do the whole milk and peanut butter and butter but I need to push the nuts! Good for you for giving up the chip snacking - such a weakness of mine too!


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