Friday, December 9, 2011

7 Quick Takes: Things I Love About My Children Edition

1) John-Paul
He gets me.  He truly gets me.  I don't know if it's because he's the oldest, or because we share a birthday, or what, but we are totally in sync.  He appreciates my humor and my crazy dance moves, and is the first to join in.  I understand his sensitivity and awkwardness at times.  We both forget things all.the.time and can't hear anything or anybody while reading.  He's such an awesome big brother, and has been super helpful with Alexander.  Except diapers.  He does not do diapers!

2) Andrew
Gosh, this kid just exudes cool.  Everything comes easy to him.  School? Check. Sports? Check. Making Friends? Check. He even dresses with a cool vibe; wearing his watch and backwards hat.  He looks up to and respects John-Paul so much, and is constantly making Eamon and Maggie laugh.  He is still my cuddlebug, and doles out hugs and kisses without complaint.

3) Eamon
This middle child is exactly that.  He is constantly trying to get the older boy's attention while at the same time wanting to be the big brother to Maggie and Xander.  There's something almost magical about this kid.  I think it's his huge personality crammed into his teeny body.  Everywhere we go, people seem to be drawn to him and he makes friends so easily.  He seems to be quite a natural athlete like Andrew, but is usually found keeping the baby entertained.

4) Maggie
She is a great mix of girly-girl and tomboy.  She loves her dolls just as much as her scooter.  Everytime I go into the computer room, she follows me in and sits at the kid table to color.  She can color forever.  She has recently started making her faces with "pretty red cheeks" and will always write "Maggie Mom Dad" on the bottom.  She still sleeps in her brothers' bedroom because she doesn't want to be "alone in the night".  She also still fights us about her hair almost every morning, but prefers dresses and tights to pants.  She is the queen of giving compliments no matter how terrible you look; "I love your hair and your earrings and your shoes and the whole outfit"!

5) Alexander
This picture doesn't capture this little guy's happy personality.  He is constantly giving us big happy gooey smiles if we just glance in his direction.  He loves his big brothers and sister, and could watch them all day.  He also adores his exersaucer, bouncy chair, diaper changes, and his nightly baths.  This boy can splash up a storm!  We lay him down in his crib and leave the room, and he just finds his thumb and falls asleep.  No crying or fussing.  He knows the drill ;)  Plus he's been sleeping for about eleven hours in a row every night.  He's a dream!

6) Well, I only have 5 kids, but this is supposed to be 7 Quick Takes, so I guess I'll just leave a spot for future baby #6. 

(Future. I am not pregnant, just sayin'.)

7) And maybe lucky #7 in the more distant future. 

Heck, if they're all as wonderful as the ones we've got...why stop?  :)


  1. Oh man. I always forget it's time for Friday Quick takes until I read yours. And this edition is so darn cute, I really feel that the gold standard has been reached, and there's no point in adding to the meme.

  2. Why stop? That's what I always say! :) You have the sweetest kids ever, Colleen! And I know what you mean about the oldest. Sierra and I totally get each other too. She ALWAYS says what I'm thinking, and is so great at knowing what needs to be done and taking the initiative.

  3. Aww... this is the sweetest post! What a precious and adorable family you have. They all have such kind hearts! Love the photos! :)

  4. Angela MartinDecember 11, 2011

    Colleen, can email the group photo to me. It's so cute and I didn't get all of them together.


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