Friday, August 4, 2023

Week in Review: Summer Activities, Surgery Updates, Sailing Camp and Shows Completed

Last Friday my friend texted me and asked if we could meet at the beach after work to let the boys play.  I picked them up from sailing camp and we drove to the beach to spend time with friends, then to my brother's house for a big family cookout and it ended up being such a nice summer day!  I'm glad I always try to say yes to invitations and experiences even though my introverted first answer tends to be "no".

Snack Time

On Saturday, Phil brought Eamon, Xander, Declan and Brendan to the Seekonk Grand Prix, because we had a gift certificate that was expiring soon.  They had lots of fun!

On Sunday morning, Maggie took the little guys on a bike ride while Phil and I went for a long walk and then Phil took Maggie, Xander, Declan and Brendan to an outdoor YMCA pool while I went to the shop and made waffle cones.

It warms the cockles of my heart that the kids are able to do fun summery things because I was worried we wouldn't have time with the shop open, but we are carving out ways to make it happen.

On Monday, after a day or work and camp, Xander had a piano lesson, Declan had a violin lesson, Maggie had volleyball practice, Phil had a Religious Ed meeting with his catechists, and Xander had a swim evaluation to see if he can join the swim team at the Y.  He did so great and the coach said he swims all of the strokes so well, and he will improve greatly in speed once he's practicing 3 times a week.  I'm glad Xander likes to swim and may have finally found his sport at the age of 12, after retiring from soccer at age 4 and basketball at age 6 :)

The three youngest are in sailing camp this week:

They are so salty and tired when I pick them up, that we drive right home and take showers and put on pj's and I let them watch a movie.  I don't feel guilty about movie time when they've been outside getting Vitamin Sea all day from 8-2:30.

They have been collecting shells and seaglass and bringing their treasures home, even including a dried-up crab leg in their piles much to their mother's dismay.  "But I thought you liked crabs to eat!"  Yes crabs freshly killed on a plate make me happy, not crabs deader than dead on the beach.  It's the thought that counts!  Another "treasure" was found in our driveway and I was called down to take a photo:

Can you see the "stick caterpillar" that Brendan was so excited about?

Treasure is in the eye of the bugholder, I suppose!

Our special flavor at The Cottage this week is Chocolate M&M:

And we created an Ice Cream Flight so you can get four of your favorite flavors to taste:

Phil and I watched Quarterback and it was really good.  I definitely have a love for Kirk Cousins now and dislike Patrick Mahomes a little bit...sorry not sorry.


We had some good surgery-related news when my mom got her neck brace off almost 6 weeks of constant wear after her neck surgery!

Her text said "Out of prison, free at last!"

But then we had bad surgery-related news when my dad needed to go to the hospital on Tuesday night because he was having chest pains.  Phil took him to the hospital because my mom can't drive until she gets clearance after physical therapy for her neck.  They were there until 1:30 am and my big kids and I kept my mom company until late in the night.  I just love these kids so much, they really understand what's important in life:

Lots of tests later and they figured out it was his gallbladder causing the problems and he got it removed on Thursday and is doing well so far!

He asked for his razor so he could "look good under the lights" in surgery.

This year has been way too full of surgeries for my family.  Thankfully they are all turning out well! 

Happy 1st weekend of August everybody!  August is my least favorite month, but when I said that out loud to Brendan, who's birthday is in August, he got personally offended and said "Oh yeah? Well I think February is worst month!" because that's when my birthday is.  Seventh kids be feisty!


  1. The ice cream flight is wonderful. I'd be drawn to picking flavors I know I like versus trying new ones. Or maybe asking for flavors that make a pretty rainbow of colors!

    1. Ooooh I need to post about the rainbow shave ice a customer ordered and our employees delivered!

  2. Oh geez, how scary for you and your family. I'm glad your dad took the chest pains seriously and that the finding was something treatable.

    Congrats to your mom for having her neck free!

    And I love seeing all the photos from your amazing summer activities! What fun!

    1. Just gotta get them both up and driving/living normally again!

  3. Sorry to hear about your dad's health issue, but glad they figured it out. Hooray for your mom being out of prison. Your kids are amazing. I am always impressed by how much you all do in a day considering you have an ice cream shop to run and activities to get to. Well done!

    We felt like we'd finally found Lad's sport too, when he was about 12. He really wasn't into defense. Or running. Then he tried water polo in high school and I called Coach from my flip phone at his first game and said I THINK WE'VE FOUND HIS THING - after he scored 3 goals and he looked up at me and shrugged, like HUH? WHO KNEW? Then he played went out east and played D1 water polo in college.

    I love the look of that ice cream flight - a little bit melty is just the way I like my ice cream. I'm dying at Brendan taking offence to your August comment. He might be feisty but I do agree with him . . . August is warm and outdoorsy. February stinks. ;)

    1. I have to see if we have a water polo team near us at all, that seems like a fun sport.

  4. I mean, March is the actual worst. Lent. Rain/Snow/cold/mud weather. So far away from summer but close enough you want it badly...

    Praying for your family to have no more surgeries! The ice cream looks good though. And yes, Kirk is so endearing! And I was already a Vikings fan. I also didn't love Pat afterwards.

    1. You're right, March is the worst. August is second.

  5. I'm glad your dad's chest pain ended up not being cardiac-related! Gallbladder issues aren't a walk in the park but that's still a relief. (And I love that he wanted to be freshly shaven for the OR!!)

    Sailing camp sounds so intriguing! Have your kids done this before? What a fun summer they're having!

    My husband and I also watched Quarterback and really enjoyed it, but I agree that Patrick Mahomes got on my nerves -- especially his penchant for repeating himself. Regardless, it was fun to look behind the scenes!

    1. The kids did sailing camp last summer as well...the center gives great financial aid! Yes, Pat Mahomes does repeat himself a lot!

  6. So glad your dad is doing well! And how sweet that you all stayed with your mom.

    We went to Newport, RI today and on our way back to Yarmouth, we swung by Fairhaven and got some ice cream from the Ice Cream Cottage! I asked JP if you were there but sadly you were not. The ice cream was delicious and the line was long! I think you guys have a successful business on your hands!!! I got a picture of me and the kids in front of the Cottage and will be posting it to my blog when we I get home!

    1. BETH!! Thank You for coming to The Cottage! I'm so mad I wasn't there, but I'm usually not at night. I would have loved to met you in person :) Have a great rest of your trip!!

  7. It fills my heart to see your kids having such a great summer; you and Phil are a dynamic parenting team and you should be proud.
    Sorry about your Dad, but happy all is well now with he and your Mom.
    An ice cream flight? You are talking my language!


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