If health is wealth, then here is how we are supplementing our income diet in the Martin household.
The daily doses:
Started taking this iron supplement when pregnant and anemic, worked so good that I was told to only take every other day.
Mini Fish Oil because those big ones are hard to swallow
Nutrafol for the year of Colleen's hair regrowth
Magnesium every night before bed - no more charlie horses in my legs and magnesium levels are so important for so many things (google it)
Probiotics for adults
Probiotics for kids
Vitamin D3 + K2 drops for everyone (you're probably deficient and this bottle contains 600 servings!)
Under the weather helpers:
I prefer to drink an Emergen - C every day in the winter, made with hot water
Zicam (Phil swears by these when he feels something coming on)
Propolis Immune Support throat spray
Gummy candies, I mean vitamins:
These are too fun to take, so I'm not sure how effective they are but I figure if we are trying to eat a balanced diet, then these will fill in the cracks of any deficiencies we may have.
Women's multi plus Collagen (I also put this collagen powder in my coffee each morning)
Cheers to a healthy and active 2025!