Consider this your warning! Every year when I think about what I want to do for Mother's Day, I always come to the same conclusion...Mass followed by a lovely brunch at any nice restaurant. But every Mother's Day for the past 6 years, Phil has to lead the CCD program at our church immediately following 8:30 Mass, and so I go home with the little ones, and then think of something else to do later in the day. Last year I went to lunch with my mom and one of my sisters and then shopping for an hour. That was heavenly! I love hanging out with my mom on any day, but Mother's Day is especially sweet.

My mom is the greatest mother in the world. She raised 6 kids, who then blessed her with 19-going-on-20 grandkids. That's the best gift you can give to your mother, right? Allowing them to become a grandmother? In my mom's case, she became Gammy. I think she enjoys her role of grandma even more than her role of mother :) Beginning this summer, all of her children will live within 15 minutes of her. Even though we all went away to college/grad school/med schools and lived in various states (OH, NH, MO, CT, CA)...we all came back "home" in the end. It's really such a blessing to live near each other, especially to allow our children to play with their cousins all.the.time. I hope they can always look out for each other and stay friends.
My Mom laughing so hard at my Dad's proud poop-scooping skills.
But back to Mother's Day. What's the best kind of present to give to a mom? I think one thing that all moms truly enjoy is pictures and picture gifts that capture memories. And I think Shutterfly has the best quality products to peruse. We ordered our Christmas cards from them last year, and they were my favorite...we won't be going back to those other companies.
Just in time for Mother's Day, you can choose from Mother’s Day Cards , Personalized gifts for Mom , or even a Mother’s Day photobook. All great choices for a great mom, grandma, or wife (hint, hint) in your life!
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