Thursday, May 23, 2013

Bodies to the Fifth Degree

Playing with Cari for Theme Thursday: Bodies 
(Cari, I think you need a Theme Thursday picture logo we can put on these posts...just an idea.)

I had envisioned getting a picture of my kids wrestling with their bodies all piled up, which is the usual state we find them in when we ask them to "go play quietly", but I never got around to taking it.

So how about we marvel at God's design and ponder how two bodies:

Can help create 5 completely new and unique bodies?

And then those bodies are infused with a soul for the rest of eternity.  

It's wicked awesome.


  1. It is wicked awesome.

    When I got pregnant, I was always wondering what that baby will look like. All the wonderful qualities get from parents. The best part from God..eternal souls!

  2. It IS wicked awesome.
    And that's a great idea about the theme graphic.

  3. That is awesome...for real.

  4. It is a crazy thought!

  5. I know, so awesome! Always leaves me in awe when I start contemplating the amazingness of God and how we create with Him. Your wedding pic is beautiful!! wow. I keep staring at it :).

  6. Pretty darn amazing plan He has.

  7. Colleen, this is so sweet! And your wedding photo is gorgeous! But how do you look just the same?

  8. So cute and clever!

  9. This is just the sweetest post. I love it!

    Your wedding picture is so lovely. Is that Cape Cod?

  10. AnonymousMay 23, 2013

    BEAUTIFUL! I love your dress! What an amazing reflection. Thank you! God bless you!

  11. It IS wicked awesome!! Your post gave me goosebumps.

    Or maybe I'm just cold.

  12. Awwww, love it! You're a beautiful couple, and you're right, God is pretty amazing.

  13. Ooohhh good twist on this idea. I love it!

  14. Yes, it is wicked awesome (and I love that you used the word wicked). I always marvel at how just one action can result in a WHOLE NEW PERSON...someone who didn't use to exist. It's mind-boggling.

  15. Wicked awesome!
    You look the exact same as you did back then!
    And I just thought about this pic you have that's made up of all the little pics. Or is that just in my imagination? ;)


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