Thursday, May 2, 2013


Toddlers have the life, don't they?  They just play, play, play all day.  This week's Theme Thursday is Play and so may I present my favorite 21 month old doing what he does best:

Play on playah.
He was so excited to see this campus security vehicle parked inside the athletic building where my kids take swimming lessons.

He was even more excited when his mother let him climb right up on it and start *driving*. 

"Vroom vroom!  Beep beep!" he played for a solid ten minutes, which was ten minutes of time I didn't have to spend playing "Keep the baby out of the pool".  

I guess parents of toddlers play all day too ;)


  1. Doing what boys do best.

  2. I'll have to look for one of those to spare me ten minutes "please don't run on the wet bleachers".

  3. AnonymousMay 02, 2013

    We like to play "Keep the baby from running into the street." Mom can sprint on bare feet like no one else. =)

  4. Yes! My boys could have been occupied forever at the exact same thing. I would love to see what their mind is doing during that time.

  5. AnonymousMay 02, 2013

    Love it!! LOL - and I think you're probably right. We moms of toddlers play all day, too. :-)

  6. AnonymousMay 02, 2013

    Oh my goodness he's so tiny in that thing!! So cute!

  7. Boys and their wheels! They truly are never too young!

  8. Any technique that keeps baby from diving into the pool is fair game. Swimming lessons are the hardest activity to drag toddlers along as there is really no place they can play while waiting for the big kids.

  9. Play on Playah. Best caption of all time.

  10. I just love little boys, and the way they're drawn to machines and wheels. This is the greatest picture! (And I second Cari's opinion about your caption.)

  11. What a lovely blog! Grateful that Theme THursday brought me here.

    Just an adorable PLAY photo!

  12. There is NOTHING like a motorized vehicle to keep a little boy happy.

  13. What a cutie! And amen to the whole pool distraction!!! My kiddos take lessons during the summer at our local pool and rec center. Its that whole "zero depth entry" thing that makes keeping the toddlers out of that zone while big brothers and sisters swim that much more difficult!

  14. Because no toy is ever as exciting as the real thing. Super adorable baby! (I know he's a toddler, but I've picked up the habit here where they call all children under about 8 "ay-gee", or baby.)

  15. I love boys and trucks!! (especially Xander) As I told Cari on her post, I love when the kids play on the riding lawn mower, it's so cute, but my husband doesn't love it quite as much, as they lost the gas cap last summer....

  16. I love this picture so just makes me smile.


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