Tuesday, May 18, 2021

It's Not You, It's MAY

I've wanted to sit and write so many times this month, but May is so busy (and work has been so stressful) that I can't seem to find the time.   Just know that I have great intentions to post, and this separation is hard, but it's not you, it's May.

One thing that is helpful at burning off some stress is going to boot camp classes at the gym.  The instructor sets up the whole gymnasium with 20 stations, and we work out at each station for about 45 seconds, then move to the next and repeat the whole circuit three times.  Some of my favorite stations include: flipping a huge tire, burpees on a Bosu ball, pullups on the TRX ropes, handstands, and suicides.  It's a really hard but fun workout and I have three kids who come with me on Saturday mornings.  As you know, the kids who work out with mom are the kids that mom likes most ;)

Walking the dog each day by the water is a nice stress reliever too :)

So is sitting on the porch in the evening with a fire and a card game.

Ax-throwing, our recent date night activity, was fun and blew off some steam:

My kids were impressed ;)

The little three boys have swim lessons on Fridays, and they open up two lanes for other swimmers but I could never figure out how to reserve a lane time...they were always full!  I asked and discovered that to reserve a lane on Friday, you have to log in and sign up on Tuesday after 7 pm.  Maggie makes sure to start reminding me at 6:50 on Tuesday evenings so that I can reserve a lane for her to swim in.  So I pay for 3 kids to have lessons, then Maggie and I swim for free at the same time.  That girl looks forward to her lap time each week.  She is such a fish since she was born in the jacuzzi.

Phil and I celebrated our 19th Anniversary yesterday, and after feeling a bit disappointed by the day (a kid had a project due that we didn't know about! the photos for the said project were printed double-sided and had to be reordered last minute! the dog pooped on the porch! the washer didn't spin the clothes fully! the senior poster I ordered went missing!) we have big plans for next year!  It's really hard to celebrate a romantic wedding anniversary when you still have the demands of seven kids.  Note to self - go away each year!!

But I still love you so much Phil, and I'd rather have a day like that with you than one day without you.

My family has one college graduate, three high school graduates, and three 8th grade graduates this year, so we are having a big family party this weekend.  JP has Prom on Friday night too.  Lots of events coming up, but it wouldn't be May without them. 


  1. I think yours is my favorite blog. :)

    1. AnonymousMay 20, 2021

      I think this is my favorite comment :)

  2. That is a lot of graduates! Congratulations to all! Hope you have a wonderful family celebration!

    1. AnonymousMay 20, 2021

      It always seems to happen in bunches! Weddings! Babies! Sacraments! ALways something to celebrate :)

  3. I love that your gym lets kids workout too sometimes. Oh, swimming lessons . . . taking me back to the good ole days. Awesome to get to bring another kid as a bonus, while you do laps? Perfect. I wrote a blog post last August about our worst anniversary, because looking back it was hilarious. A guy came to give us a quote on a 'free' swing set someone had given us (a commercial set made of logs- so huge) and minutes after he laid out that price for the install the doorbell rang and the guys paving the road were ready to pave our driveway, if we were interested . . . with no notice. Two big price tags in mere minutes of each other. My mom was at our house to babysit because I had to go pay tuition at the Catholic grade school. She tried unsuccessfully to melt into the wallpaper in the kitchen as Coach begged me not to put the swing set in. We did the swing set and we moved from that house the next year. See, laughable. Well, eventually. Happy Anniversary. I'm jealous of walking by the water - nearby?

    1. AnonymousMay 20, 2021

      We have a family membership to the YMCA! And yes we live in Massachusetts right by the coast :) Your anniversary story sounds horrible - I need to just learn to expect less and be happy with anything.

  4. Glad you guys are doing well! Sorry your anniversary wasn't all you hoped it would be but maybe you guys can sneak away in June when it's NOT May!


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