Wednesday, December 21, 2022

(Almost) Merry Christmas

Turns out I was crankier than usual because I was fighting a sore throat and conjunctivitis.  Eew.  Feeling better now, especially since I don't have to work again until after Christmas.  Looking forward to enjoying the break with my family and friends, and I hope you are too!  And if not, at least these videos will make you smile :)

Her robe is my fuzzy socks.  Every year, without fail.

Cheers to all the tired parents everywhere.

Merry Christmas to you all, see you on the other side!!


  1. I get such a kick out of these videos, but they are also mildly depressing! Well, I hope your Christmas is merry and bright and full of joy beyond fuzzy socks!

  2. You poor thing. I always say, it's not a holiday until someone gets sick! I hope you are feeling better! The Robe skit always makes me laugh; mom's do most of the work, and get the short end of the 'Christmas Stick'. ๐Ÿ˜œ


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