Friday, July 7, 2023

Week in Review: Not That Tidy, Not A Tumor, Not A Ticket

TGIF! This week has felt like a real summer-ish week.  The little boys went to YMCA camp this week, Eamon started his summer soccer league, Maggie has Volleyball open gym times, and the ice cream store is keeping us busy as long as it's not raining.  But trust me, I kinda like the slow rainy days to focus on other my messy pantry!

We've had some moths around the pantry recently, and could not figure out where they were coming from.  I remembered a summer in my childhood when the moths got so bad that you could see the larvae crawling on the ceiling and my parents had to "bomb" the house to get rid of them.  We weren't anywhere close to that stage yet, but neither did I want to be.  I seem to remember that the source of those moth larvae was the dog food, which is why we keep our big bag of dog food in the basement and bring up a closed containerful at a time.  And yet, where were my moths coming from??

First step, clear out pantry: 

And while we are doing that, might as well install some peel-and-stick wallpaper, a job I generously outsourced to my husband ;)

Maggie and I threw away any old food (barley from 2019 anyone?) and she organized the dry goods into these containers (I paid $30 less than that!).  Then we put it all back together.

Much better!  We set up moth traps and - cover your eyes if you love moths - we killed about twenty so far.  I still didn't find any larvae or the source of the moths but hopefully this keeps it more manageable.

Before and After
I was using my favorite (cheap!) vacuum to clean out the pantry and realized it smelled a little, so I filled the bath with some hot bleach water and put in all the vacuum parts, and the amount of dirt in the filter was disgusting.  Apparently you're supposed to do that often??  Don't follow me for housecleaning tips.  You weren't, I know.

All clean and ready to, uh, clean.

On Saturday night, we went to Mass, where Declan's friends served for the first time:

 ... and then to a friend's house for a cookout and fireworks in their town.  It was so fun!  I was happy to take Alexander, Declan and Brendan as the last time we went, Alexander was in my belly. The view's a little better ex utero.

Not related, but always needed - dinner.  Fed the kids a sheet pan dinner of potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower and chicken sausage one night.  Felt like it was a healthy and easy one to throw together.

On July 4th, it was stormy and gross but I took the non-working kids to my sister's house for a cook-out/eat-in.

Pretend like you love each other!

The Patriotic Parfait was on the menu for the long weekend.

The fireworks were postponed to July 5th because of the weather, and we were so busy that night at The Ice Cream Cottage!

I don't know what we are going to do when the restaurants open...our customers already take over the sidewalk!  What a great community we have :)

I just got word that my mole that was biopsied from my forehead is benign.  Thanks be to God!  Next week is my annual physical, so I'm sure I'll have new health worries to tell you about then.  Worriers gotta worry :)

Eamon and Maggie left early this morning to go to a Steubenville Youth Conference with a group from our diocese, and this is the text I get from Mags:

This big family life is not one for the faint of heart!  

Have a wonderful weekend full of good news and family time and understanding police officers :)


  1. AnonymousJuly 07, 2023

    We had moths ,they were eating the baskets. Look at yours to see if that's the place they are coming from. Dried flowers too.

    1. Oh wow, good to know! Those pink baskets in there are plastic, and I can't think of any dried flowers we have but I will keep searching!

  2. I am soooo dreading when my kids start to drive. Yikes! But what a thorough text and thank goodness everything worked out.

    Praise the Lord about your benign result!!

    Those fireworks pictures are SO beautiful. Seems like a very special memory for everyone <3

    And look at those lines for the Ice Cream Cottage. How exciting. I am salivating over that patriotic sundae.

    1. I have three kids with licenses and never knew that they couldn't drive early in the morning - whoops!

  3. We desperately need to do a pantry clean out. Thanks for the inspo!! Happy to hear the mole is benign and no tickets were handed out!!

    1. It's so satisfying to open the doors every time now - aaaahhhh.

  4. Did you remove some floor boards to get that deeper storage for bottles? Looks great!
    And now you've reminded me I was supposed to clean out the vacuum this week. I'll put it off until Monday.
    I hope you have continued success with the Cottage!

    1. The bottom is floor level, we just have baseboard heating so it looks like it goes down deeper. I'm impressed you clean out your vacuum regularly, I need to take notes!

  5. My son is at the Steubenville Conference this weekend too! But his youth group attends the one in Atlanta, GA. He had to catch his bus at 3:30 a.m.- thankfully he is 18 and can drive at all hours of the night. I got out of the middle of the night drop off for this one! ;)

    1. So cool our kids were at Steubie Youth conferences on the same weekend :)

  6. Maggies Text! YIKES.
    Love the cleaned up pantry; that will make you happy for a while. Well, happier if there be no moths.
    Yay for a benign mole and yay for a busy ice cream shop!

    1. So yikes, what a start to their retreat!

  7. So much packed into one post! So glad the mole was benign - what a relief! Thankful the kids didn't get a ticket AND made it to the bus on time! I love that long line around the ice cream cottage!!!

    1. Such a relief, thank you! And yes that line makes us happy :)

  8. Your before and after of your pantry is INSPIRATIONAL. Oh my goodness, I'm not a tidy freak by a long shot but your before would have driven my bonkers. Love the color-coordinated 4th of July photo of the family.


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