Wednesday, May 8, 2024

JP and His BS - Bachelor of Science, That Is

When they tell you that the days are long but the years are short, they aren't kidding...

JP is currently driving home from college as I type, and I have all the feels.  He is not walking in graduation (which was his choice) mostly because his friends are all graduating next year, but also because The Ice Cream Cottage opens tomorrow, and we need Andrew and him to start working.  My motherly guilt is strong and I don't want JP to go unrecognized for this incredible accomplishment, so I'm gonna brag a little here.

 We are so, so, so proud of him and all of his hard work.  He was able to graduate in three years by taking lots of classes each semester, a couple summer classes and having transfer credits from AP exams and some college classes earned while he was in high school.  He always knew he wanted to pursue the medical field, and took steps toward that dream by becoming an EMT and shadowing at a doctor's office.  He will now be looking for a job getting patient care hours so that he can apply to Physician Assistant programs sometime in the next year.  Those seats are notoriously hard to get, so it might take a few years.

JP had a wonderful college experience at Franciscan. He made such great friends, met his wonderful girlfriend, studied abroad and travelled all over Europe, grew in his faith, gained incredible scientific knowledge (organic chem y'all!) and matured into a young man that we like to be around!  Isn't that the goal of parenting, to raise children that become adults you like?  JP has always been such an easy kid and I'm happy to say that nothing has changed, we never had any hard times with our first born which is probably the reason we have such a big family :)  

We love you so much John-Paul and we thank God for the gift of you every day.  


  1. Congratulations, JP! You have worked very hard, and now you can move forward with your dreams.
    Enjoy your summer! - mbmom11

  2. Congratulations JP! What an amazing accomplishment and such a great example for others!

    Congrats Mom and Dad! A first communicant and a college grad in one week's time is emotionally draining without opening a business for the season too. So to do it all... you are in my prayers. Thank you for always demonstrating Christ's love in how you raise your family and work hard, you've always been a great example to me as well!

    1. I must be allergic to this comment because my eyes are watering. Thanks you Madeline for the encouragement and prayers, always!

  3. Congratulations JP!! Way to go with your B.S! 💪🏼

    1. We knew he always had it in him! ;)

  4. Congratulations to your son! What an honor for him and a reflection on his darn good Momma! Enjoy having him home!

    1. Thank you, I didn't have much to do with it, but it does feel like an accomplishment as parents still :) One down and six to gooooooo!

  5. Congrats. So awesome to finish early. He's a hard working kid. I wonder where he gets it? Best of luck to him as he applies for his next step. Love the video. I'm wondering what Maggie was looking at in the video clip where JP is dancing in the background and all we can see are Maggie's eyes and a few of the brothers. Such a cute group.

    1. Thanks for the video inspo, though I know for a fact yours are much better! The kids were recording themselves with my iMac and reading the lyrics on the screen. Maggie was sitting in the chair like the princess she is :)

  6. Congratulations, John-Paul!!! Such an amazing accomplishment to graduate in 3 years and I know he will go far in his future career and life.

    That video was so sweet and made me laugh out loud -- especially the dance moves! we know where he gets those from!! ;) -- and tear up too (the group hug towards the end of the video?! I can't take it!). So happy for him and for you!!

    1. Thanks Kate - now please pray that he gets into a PA school next year :)


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