Thursday, August 22, 2013

Food and my Man

Joining with Cari for her Theme Thursday: Food.

My husband is a little hard to cook for.  I know you're all shocked because I always write about how perfect he is (and he is!) but if there's one thing I could wish was a leetlebeet different, it would be that he wasn't quite so picky.  When it comes to food, that is.  When it comes to wives, I'd like to think he is VERY picky and chose the best ;)

Phil's Food Dislikes:
Any seafood
Meat on the bone (ex. I have to pull all the chicken meat off the roast before serving)
Sour Cream
Any cold salad (pasta salad, potato salad, chicken salad)
Store bought tomato sauce
Coffee creamer
and on and on...

BUT!  He always makes me smile when we go to a soft serve ice cream shop and he orders a vanilla cone with rainbow jimmies.  

Meat on the bone?  Can't handle it.  

Girly sprinkles?  Yup, he's secure enough for that.

What a loveable weirdo.


  1. I love it!!! I also hate meat on the bone, and also hate cooking it, or touching it, or looking at it. Oh, the things I do for my family!

    But that is the greatest, a manly man and his sprinkles!

  2. My husband is the same way! Picky about some things but then loves the craziest things! :) He hates raw onions but will eat them cooked and he dislikes ranch dressing but likes buffalo ranch dressing. just found your blog and am enjoying it!

  3. I am totally the "Phil" at our house. I'll eat seafood and certain pasta salads but otherwise I think his list seems reasonable. The ice cream looks good!

  4. "Girly sprinkles" made me laugh. I actually don't like my meat on the bone either....luckily my husband is willing to pull it off when shredding or putting away leftovers, and most of the time, I just suck it up and eat it because it was a less expensive cut, but I totally sympathize with not liking it!

  5. So cute. My hubby has picky food issues, too. But as you say, it's one of his only flaws, and he puts up with a LOT of mine, so imma let it go.

    How are you feeling? Less nauseated?

    1. Yes, waaaaaay less nausea but lots of fatigue and breathlessness. I'll take it.

  6. Bring him down here...Madison will drown his cone in sprinkles. ; )

    1. Yeah, you've got a good setup over there, Billie Jo!

  7. um, seriously, meat on the bone and grown a man? love it! :)

  8. You are so fun! I always want to post something like what you post.

    1. Awww, well you know what they say about imitation being the sincerest form of flattery!!

    2. Ooooh, I have to tell that to my older kids, they (one in particular) hates when her sister copies her!

  9. Andrew and I are both super-picky, but in totally opposite ways! Luckily the kids still like most everything :) But the rainbow sprinkles totally crack me up!

  10. So what is Phil's favorite meal?

    1. Pretty much he is a meat and potatoes guy. He does love a good chicken meal - like Maple Chicken, Chicken Saltinboca, Fried Chicken, etc.

  11. I am his no-meat-on-the-bone twin! Just can't handle it lol. That cone looks sooooo delicious.

  12. hilarious! that does look really yummy though.

  13. meat on the bone...that is funny! Wonder why he doesn't like that..but he looks great with a cone!

  14. Lookin good with that cone! My hubby isn't picky at all but I don't think he'd eat an ice cream cone like that. Kinda' funny isn't it?

  15. I am definitely our Phil, though I LOVE me some cold salad! And my husband isn't a huge meat on the bone guy either, I am glad he's in good company! :)

    Now excuse me while I make a dash to the ice cream place, because that cone needs to be duplicated immediately! :)

  16. this is pretty funny! why not sour cream and mayo? bill doesn't like those either and i just don't get it! those things are the best! i always need the creamy cool taste with whatever it's with. i can't believe we went ahead and married them!


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