Thursday, April 13, 2023

Yesterday, A Lousy Poem by a Tired Mom

This bad poetry brought to you by genuinely feeling exhausted.

Like every weekday, I worked from 8-4,

Got the groceries after, a much hated chore.

Walked the dog to get some steps,

Fed the kids and cleaned up the mess.

Eamon needed to work, so the husband took him,

Andrew and Maggie had rehearsal for Confirmation.

That left me home with the little three boys,

Whose favorite word is "MOM!" and love all noise.

Did the laundry cuz nobody else cares,

Yelled at the kids to clean the upstairs.

Felt bad about that and sent them to play,

Told them we'd have a spa night, yay!

Went outside and cut their hair,

Back inside for baths with flair.

Cleaned their ears and cut their nails,

Milk and cookies to make up for my fails.

Husband came home with big kids too,

Had business phone call and ordering to do.

I chopped salads for lunch the next day,

Showered and pjs and novena to pray.

Turned on the tv to finally rest,

I was out like a light by 9:30 at best.

Woke up this morning, walked with husband and dog,

The To Do List for the day running through my brain log.


  1. Ha! I'm impressed on a day like that that you actually managed to do a "spa day" and ice cream for your kids... and that you had the brainpower to memorialize it in rhyme :D

  2. (just realized it was milk and cookies, not ice cream... but still!)

  3. I love it. The poem, not the exhausted Mom part! You are a great, funny writer and an even better Mama!


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