Friday, October 20, 2023

Week in Review: Everybody is Growing Up

Happy Friday Everybody!

Do you guys remember how we had to spend last Saturday cleaning out our crawl spaces because insulation was going to be installed on Monday?  Yeah, they had to cancel.  Womp womp.  They are supposed to come tomorrow, which now means we need to be out of the house/their way as much as possible.  Luckily we have a swim meet to attend and an ice cream shop to clean.  It's always fun times around here ;)

Cleaning through the archives led me to find my grad school diploma, and I ordered this frame which looks so great.  My name changed to Martin when we got married six days later :)

This week was full of home volleyball games, where Maggie is truly blossoming in confidence on the court.  She is a smart and consistent player, but this week it's like she figured out how to hit a lot harder and is getting tons of kills.  I think it's a benefit from all the ice cream scooping, and it's so fun to watch!

Maggie and her cousin played in a "Spike Out Cancer Night" game for their grandpa and aunt who have both thankfully beaten cancer.

Now those two girlies plus Andrew's girlfriend are all out in Ohio touring Franciscan University, but mostly visiting with JP and Andrew for the weekend.  Sounds like they are having a blast but I miss having Maggie at home and I pray her next 2.5 years of high school go by suuuuper slow.  All moms of high-schoolers know that's not possible, but one can hope!

On Wednesday, I left work and drove to watch Eamon's home soccer game from 4-5:45 (he plays so smart and was asked to be Captain next year!) and then went inside the high school and watched Maggie's volleyball game from 6-7:30 and was very thankful for my recent Amazon purchase.  Phil was busy taking the younger three boys to and from basketball practice, soccer practice and swim practice.  I'm so glad that fall sports are coming to an end soon.  Not that winter sports schedules are any easier, but we get a month break or so in between seasons at least.

How cute are Brendan and Declan in their matching pajamas?  I'm gonna miss the ability to do this one day, but hopefully future grandchildren will be agreeable to my matching attire dreams.

Xander, Declan and Brendan all had a SAL Day (stay at home learning) on Thursday while their teachers had Parent Teacher Conferences so I worked from home with them.

They all got their school work done by 10 am and it made me want to homeschool!  Meanwhile I snacked on these delicious treats and realized working from home would probably make me gain weight :)

I needed some peace and quiet to get a project done, so I sent them out to rake leaves, with the promise of a trip to the dollar store.  While Declan and Brendan raked the leaves, Xander took the shop vac outside and set it to blow instead of suck, and blew leaves into a pile.  Take that to his teacher who says he doesn't "work up to his potential".  Sometimes it's about working smarter, not harder.  Ha!

Tonight is the elementary school's Halloween Dance, which is my absolute least favorite school event, and Phil became Husband of the Year when he offered to take them by himself.  I will be enjoying a peaceful hour or two watching a girly show in bed all by myself while they are stuck with over 300 other people in a crowded gym with kids dressed up and hyped up on sugar.  Thanks sweetie, I owe ya!

I hope you all get a little time to yourself this weekend!


  1. The line about ice cream scooping made me laugh out loud!! Good for Maggie!!

    Those matching pajamas are too cute. I finally drank the Koolaid and ordered matching Christmas PJs for the entire family (including my husband) from a very well-targeted Old Navy ad about a month ago. Probably the first and last time I'll do that but they're so cute (light blue with snowmen skiing!).

    The little snack bags can be dangerous in their own way. After a stressful few weeks, last night I was relaxing watching Only Murders in the Building after the kids were in bed, and somehow ate 4 bags ;)

    1. Those cheese balls are so yummy, and the HUGE bin is even more dangerous, so I'll stuck with the little ones. We watched that show too, it's pretty entertaining!

  2. I LOVE those cheeseballs. LOVE. And I miss matching pajamas.You have a lovely family, my friend!

    1. Your family seems like they would be very agreeable to matching pajamas at any age :)

  3. Maggie is coming into her own; isn't it amazing to witness such a thing?
    I hate it when you go through so much trouble for an upcoming project, then it's pushed back. Yeah, you get to have ALL the fun.
    Laughing about the boys and their leaf cleanup---Brilliant!

    1. I was so desperate for quiet time to work that when he asked if he could take the shop vac outside, I was like sure, whatever, and then 20 minutes later was like - wait did he say shop vac?? I was thankful he wasn't vacuuming the leaves!


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